D7 Female - Florence Cicamore [redtipedrose]

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Name: Florence Cicamore

Age: 14

Gender: Female

District: 7


Appearance: Short choppy black hair with slight red tint at the ends. She has icy blue eyes that can look caring or menacing. Which ever one you get depends on how she likes you. She is at the runt of District 7 in height. She only comes up to 5'5 standing straight. She has a nice tan from working outside almost everyday. She has a petite body and light pink lips.

Personality: Florence is basiclly the definition of random. She does stuff that nobody would expect, not even herself at times. Most of the times her randomness makes people laugh even in the most serious situations. She doesn't really likes following the rules. The only times she will is when something important is in stake. Florence is also what most people call a quick to judge. So she doesn't care what you do after. She usually takes one look and decides whether or not she likes you.

Works well in groups.

Weapons: Whip or mace.

Strengths: Her randomness makes it hard to predict her next move which is good in combat. She is really strong since she has to cut branches and trees everyday. Since her personality is really upbeat and energetic, people like being around her which is nice to have when picking allies. She knows a lot about trees and plants and how to use them. Florence rarely lies, but when she does it sounds very convincing.

Weaknesses: Since she judges too quickly that may make some good allies for her go to waste. Sometimes people get too frustrated with her perkiness at times. Since she is so small, when people judge appearances they don't really expect too much from her. People that are use to the ax wielding regular tributes won't like her as much since she is like the opposite of them.

Token: A small bracelet that is made of wood and shaped as little leaves.

Occisora: "I have to be honest I do not know what I should expect of you I would not be surprised if you make it quite far in this competition. I will keep my eye on you Miss Cicamore."

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