D6 Male - Vulcan Shrine [cardshark07]

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Name: Vulcan Shrine

Age: 18

District: Six

Description: He has rough, dark hair and his hands are always covered in dirt with all of the work he does. He has sparkling blue eyes, but no one seems to notice them due to his large size and intimidating attitude.

Personality: Vulcan is full of rage. He can't help but hate any rude person that walks by him. Most people stay away from him, due to his anger issues and intimidating factor. Although he can be polite and kind at times, he chooses not to show it, believing that it shows weakness.

Reaped or volunteered: Reaped. Honestly, he was more pissed than anything. He's furious that he has to go into the games, but he will win to prove he is a force to be reckoned with.

Trust issues: he has high trust issues. He has a hard time letting people in. Yes, he does associate with people who show respect and kindness, but if they show weakness, he will exploit it. Confidence is key if you are to get along with him.

Family/ friends: there are none. He's an orphan and abandoned the orphanage when he turned 14, which was when he was able to hold a sustainable job and provide for himself and only for himself. Yes, he has acquaintances, but no friends.

Weapon of choice: Hammer or throwing axe

Strengths: Ruthless and strong. He doesn't hesitate hurting people who he doesn't like. And he doesn't like most people.

He has worked with tools so he is quite crafty and able to use a weapon.

His size allows intimidation to set in. And with intimidation, there's fear. And he exploits that fear to terrify others.

Weaknesses: Brutally honest. Most people find this disrespectful and rude, so not many people like him.

Social issues. He chooses to isolate himself, causing friendships to be an issue. He isn't all that likable.

Nothing important to him lies in District Six. This factor means that he does not have the determination and persistence like other tributes.

Occisora: "Now you are what I call a tribute. You will go far in this competition. Stay on my good side and you might even win."

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