D7 Male - Miles Wilson [TeamQuirky]

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 Name: Miles Wilson

 Age: 17

 Gender: Male

 District: 7

 Reaped. He was confused for a while as he stood there in awe but he quikly shook it off and moved to the stage.

 Appearance: Strongly built with scars all over his arms and hands. Dark hair that is usually just a bit too long and sticks up because he is always pushing it out of his bright green eyes. He is quite tall and very broad.

 Personality: He does what he can to keep himself and his family alive. He is kind and caring to those who need it but he can take care of himself. He can be impatient at times and reckless at others. He knows how to fight but never boasts about it. He would rather have people underestimate him than know what he is capable of.

 Does your character work well in groups? He has had to work in teams most of his life. He is a good leader and can follow orders well. Or at least he can make people think he is following orders even if he isn't.

 Is your character trusting? Not usually though he does have a soft spot for young girls.

 Weapon of choice: axe. Of course but he isn't bad with most other weapons.

 Strengths: Strong, very good climber, quite agile, relatively smart, a few basic survival skills

 Weaknesses: Heavy and not good at silent movements. He cannot make a fire or hunt.

 Family and friends: His mother Kim who is kind and caring but shows a lot of tough love, his father Will who still works cutting trees and taught Miles everything he knows and his younger sister sally

 Person of most importance: Sally. He is very protective of her and feels like she is vulnerable.

 Token: a carving of a tree on a rope he wears around his neck.

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