D4 Male - Eugene Weiss [-LovelyButterfly-]

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Name: Eugene Weiss

Age: 17

Gender: Male

District: District 4-Fishing

Reaped or Volunteered: Volunteered. For the honor of his District. Actually, he doesn’t really know why he volunteered. People kept telling him to volunteer because he would have great chance and could finally make his District proud of him. So he trained and he did it. He volunteered.

Appearance: He’s a strong and good looking career; 6’’ feet tall. Born in District 4, Eugene is a young tanned man with light chestnut hair and blue/green eyes, that would---in other circumstances, make all the girls fall for him.

Personality: Being trained like almost everybody in his District, he is very athletic. Eugene is a mysterious character, always examining people and looking at them with a second eye and never underestimating his opponent. You can never tell what he’s thinking about or what’s happening in his head, keeping a protecting shell on him, to not be hurt by anyone. He’s not that flirty boy, not glancing at girls and talking about them, only the ONE will know how to make him flinch. He can also keep his face emotionless easily. He likes to be the leader and he’s strong enough to supplies a group for long. Born in District 4; Eugene can swim like a living fish. He doesn’t let people enter his life, so nobody can manipulate or hurt him. But over all, he can be pretty kind and will certainly have regrets if he comes home from the Games.

Does you character work well in groups/teams?: Yes, in fact he would probably like to team with powerful tributes. But he would also like to be the leader, since he doesn’t like to be a follower.

Is your character trusting?: Not really. Well, in other circumstances; he would. But in the Games, he knows that he can’t be as trusting as he usually would. Since at the end; only one comes out. And he knows that when it comes to the Final 8, everybody will just turn on each other’s back and become as wild as animals.

Weapon of Choice: Tridents, spears, or his fists.


- He has a strength that not everyone has. He could probably kill a tribute with only a couple of blows with his fists.

-He is extremely good at swimming. He also trained to be able to breathe underwater for several minutes.

-He has a really good accuracy. And if he gets spears, he will have great chances of winning the games, due to his skills.

-He has a lot of control in a stressing situation and will easily find a solution. That’s why he would do great at being a leader.


-He never was left alone for a long time. So if something happens in the Games and he has to travel alone, he will probably become more fearful and weak. But he can maybe manage it.

-His family is his biggest weakness. He can’t bear the thought of his family being hurt or killed.

-He is maybe not the smartest person when it comes to memorize and learn things. Except his weapon’s skills...

-He is not used to starve. He is a big fan of food, so he will have to find a strategy to keep food enough for days. And not just eat it all on the first day...

Loved Ones: He has him mother and father, although he almost never talks to them. He loves them, of course. But he doesn’t really know how to act with them... He had a younger sister, but she was a victim from one of the multiple sicknesses that goes through District 4. Being only 5 when it struck her, her system didn’t succeed to exterminate the sickness and one night, she just passed out in her bed. Just like that. He has a best friend called: Luke and a special girl in mind. But she probably doesn’t even know he exists.

Person of most importance: His father, even though he doesn’t really have a lot of affection with him, his father still means the world to him. He is the example of what he tries to be.

Token: A simple silver ring from his father, although he likes it better when he wears it attached to a chain around his neck.

Occisora: "I think we can expect great things from you. You seem like the sort of Tribute I would back. You are not perfect but even I am not perfect. I look forward to seeing you in action."

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