An Irregularity

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It was almost midnight, Jason knew this as he had been listening to the clock tick every second, of every minute, of every hour. The room he was currently sitting in smelled of chemicals and medicines. The heart rate monitor would beep every several seconds signaling that it was still working, her vitals were stable and yet he found himself nervously checking the screen every few minutes to ensure that they had not changed.

His shoulders were slumped on his large frame as he leaned forward in the chair his elbows sitting on his thighs, placing his head on the same level of her slumbering form tucked into the thin fabric of the generic blankets and sheets in the hospital. Wisps of his hair encased his face in a disheveled manner as his buns structure was crumbling, this only being accentuated by the thick five o'clock shadow that darkened the lower half of his face. His fingers were laced in front of him and tensed on and off in a self soothing gentle rhythm, mirroring the rise and fall of her chest with her delicate breaths.

"Alpha..." Jacob sighed from the corner of the room, opting for a farther seat to give him space as he sat by the bed side. "You need to get some sleep."

"Shouldn't she have woken up by now?" he questioned ignoring Jacobs direction. "And where the fuck is the doctor?"

"The medicine that was administered is probably helping her maintain a deep sleep, and the doctor said they would return as soon as her labs came back to give an update. Sit back and try to get some rest." Jacob said with his ever present logical mind.

That same logical mind being the exact reason why he was sitting in the hospital room with the Alpha, and in a few hours Cane would take his place, and following Canes allotted time Mark would assume post. Jason had not taken the news well, and ended up shifting as a result of it. He reacted in just the way Mark and Jacob had thought he would and tried to savagely hunt down Joseph for failing to keep her safe. His behavior in that moment, combined with his lack of self control earlier and his turbulent emotions as of late, meant that Jason had earned himself a babysitter in the form of all three of his Beta's.

Though only one was present at the moment, the other two were standing by on high alert. It took all three of them and several surrounding patrol units to stop his progress. The only reason he truly was stopped was because of his closeness with his Beta's and them appealing to his humanity which in turn allowed him to regain control of the rabid wolf within. He would be monitored closely until signs of improvement were shown in regards to his mood.

Her finger gently twitched on the hand closest to him for only the briefest moment before it went still again. This was enough for Jason to snap his head to her face and hold his breath in baited anticipation of her waking, but it proved to be a teasing moment that left him further deflated. His fingers unlaced and he reached out with one to grip at her limp hand firmly, still feeling the tingles traveling up his arm even though she was not mentally present.

"Alpha." a gentle knock formed at the door frame and Jason's head snapped over eagerly for it to only show further disappointment when he saw a young man standing there with a vase of deep red roses. "The flowers are here."

"Put them anywhere." his free hand waved around in a pointed manner carelessly as he looked back to Elizabeth.

Eight staff in total, one by one filtered into the room each carrying a vase of two dozen roses, each vase holding a different color, and each one sneaking a glance at the worry stricken Alpha holding the sleeping woman's hand before they left quietly. The room now had the overpowering aroma of fresh roses which he only noticed minutely, the source of the lavender scent was his primary focus and an upset filled him as it lay mixed with the potent sterile smell of the room.

"Alpha..." another gentle knock at the door frame occurred along with a voice.

His eyes this time lazily rolled over in assumption it was one of the staff who had brought the flowers returning to discuss some minute detail. However, when he saw a doctor with a clipboard wearing bright green scrubs he quickly released Elizabeth's hand and stood at full attention. His large frame standing tall and rigid as he had a look of relief on his face at finally seeing the physician in the room. Jacob mirroring his actions at the sight of the doctor so he too could give his full attention to the doctor.

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