Package Received

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It was close to midnight as stark gold eyes sifted about the office in fury, her mate was mad and not speaking with her and it was driving her insane. She only wanted to protect him, protect the both of them and he was actively resisting her efforts. He fucking threatened to leave her, that would never happen. She'd kill him first before he put her through that agony again. He would understand one day, why she was doing what she was doing, but for now it was best they spent some time apart so they could calm and collect themselves and start fresh in the morning.

She wouldn't be sleeping tonight, her mind racing and trying to figure out ways she could fix this. She had to get him to see what the bigger picture was. He was too sensitive, too easily guided by his soft emotions, he was making this more difficult than it had to be.

Her piercing gaze finally landed on the gift basket sent from an allying pack, the Sandstone pack based out of Colorado. In its cellophane wrapping a bottle of red wine was beckoning her, quick footsteps made their way over as she decided a glass or two of the intoxicating substance may be needed to help soothe her troubled mind. Upon closer inspection it looked of good quality and only further convinced her to partake.

She ripped the packing open and removed the bottle, utilizing the provided corkscrew to open it swiftly before grabbing at a short glass by the liquor cabinet to fill its volume with the red liquid. After taking a sip she felt the tension begin to release from her shoulders as she walked the glass and bottle back to the desk. Taking a seat in the large leather swivel chair, she kept the glass suspended in air by a propped elbow. Her free hand beginning to idly sift through the rest of the contents of the basket.

It contained assorted fruits, ripe and ready to be eaten. Fine chocolates and nuts for snacking. A beautiful picture frame waiting for a memory to be stored. A few small bottles of assorted liquors for tasting. And then there was a medium sized box wrapped in beautiful red wrapping affixed with a gold bow.

She placed the glass down on the desk as she began to dismantle the packaging, opening the box to find a smaller box within it sitting on top of an envelope. The smaller box rattled with her hands movement and she quickly opened it to see a ring within the otherwise empty box. A hard glare formed on her face as she plucked it up with her thumb and pointer finger, bringing it into the intense stare of her eyes fixation. Her anger resurged but her next actions could not be explained as her hands worked on their own accord, sliding the ring onto her left ring finger and rotating the piece of jewelry as her glare stared at the wall across from her.

She would be unable to see it but she could feel the green begin to erupt from the outside rim of her eyes. Quickly, she took a gulping drink of the wine before the eyes, in their state of color discrepancy, fell back to the box and the envelope within. A deep curiosity getting the better of her and in complete opposition to her desire to ignore its existence, led delicate fingers to pick up the envelop and swiftly open it to find a note written on beautiful stationary. The handwriting was Jason's and drew her in, brown beginning to erupt around her pupil as she looked at the short message beautifully scribed.

To the future Mrs. Jason Stone,
I hope by returning this to you, that my gift finds you well. I love and miss you dearly.
Forever and always yours.
Jason 06.13

This mother fucker. She seethed as the green and brown began to close in on the gold, a battle forming as the three colors fought for dominance. A slight advantage being given to the two returning colors as the note was brought up to her nose and she deeply inhaled the thick paper, picking up the smallest trace of the opposing Alphas scent. He was relentless.


Jason was sat in his own office, he was shirtless and in pajama pants as he leaned over his desk with a hand running through his hair as he groped over the same documents before him for the hundredth time. He had sent all the betas home hours ago, so that he could be in the comfort of solitude as he wracked his brain for an Avenue that would open up his path to bringing his mate home safely. He sipped idly at his scotch, by now having a nice buzz going and once he finished this glass he would be able to catch a few hours of alcohol induced sleep, only to wake up shortly after and return immediately to his current fixation.

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