Baby Sitting Detail

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When Jason had brought Elizabeth to Marks room, the two betas were already waiting for her and Samantha was gone. Cane was the one who delivered the needle with the mood stabilizer. Despite, his large stout stature and his hard face, he treated her arm with a gentle care as he cleaned the skin of her bicep with an antiseptic before inserting the needle into her flesh. He earned a shocked expression from Elizabeth, as he quietly apologized to her wincing expression in his throaty voice and quickly applied a band aid to the needle mark. Cane was a man of little words and he had never spoken directly to her prior, his sensitivity to her discomfort was  surprising to say the least.

Mark had requested the other Beta to be the one to administer the medication, knowing that Elizabeth had still been cross with him earlier in the morning and not wanting to start off on the wrong foot with their babysitting detail. He held a sheepish expression, all though he was perfectly content with his decision to prevent her from jumping, he still found a discomfort with her being upset with him.

They had already ordered room service, and had a bountiful breakfast waiting for her arrival, ordering plenty of food, where all five of them would sit and eat together prior to Jason and Jacob leaving. None of them talked about the specific details of what would be discussed in the meeting today. Instead, all of the men entered into idle small talk as they sat in various spots about the room eating their own breakfasts, discussing their own pack matters that were not affiliated with the direct situation they were all handling at present.

Elizabeth as expected was muted in conversation as the medication quickly set in within her system, and needed constant prodding to continue eating under Jason's direction, he once again finding a irritation with having to sedate her but rationalizing it that this was only a momentary need and he would find the final solution. When he was satisfied that she had eaten enough, he took her to the restroom before he readied himself to leave, opting to give her a chance to do so with him before she was stuck with having to be watched by one of the betas. She managed to release her bladder in a hazy fog under his gently guided words, an opportunity she would appreciate later if she made it the rest of the day without having to use the facilities again. He deposited a kiss on her forehead, before him and Jacob were to finally make their exit, soft words promising he would be back as soon as everything had been settled during their meeting, her head nodding slowly only once he grabbed her attention with a gentle hand under her chin to guide her eyes to his.

"We should be arriving early for the meeting. Text me every half hour to let me know how she is fairing, and call me immediately if any problems arise." Jason said over to Mark and Cane who gave nods in return.

"I'm sure we'll be fine." Mark said looking over to Elizabeth who was once again standing in a stupor in front of Jason. "We'll just kick back and relax, watch some movies." he said with a shrug, knowing full well that they were all in fact detained to the room in Jason's absence.

"She likes romances and comedies.." he said looking down to her blank face. "Put something along those lines on." his eyes searching hers for recognition, his words depicting that he was trying to push for something to elicit a sense of comfort for her.

"I'm down with chic flicks." Mark replied with a shrug, grabbing at the remote and sifting through the purchasable options  available to them.

"That one. It's good." Cane said with a firm nod accentuated with his tightly crossed arms, as Mark landed on an option as he perused, causing the goofy betas jaw to drop as he slowly looked over to him.

"It's fucking depressing, that's what it is. You watch this kind of shit?" Mark questioned incredulously as the rough Beta had picked out a sappy story about star crossed lovers, Cane only responding with a shrug of his shoulders before flickering his eyes back to the screen, indicating he was still firm on the option.

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