Gal Pals

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Jason stood up abruptly from his desk, as Jacob was idly reviewing paperwork in regards to the pack finances. They had discussed at length, how money should be distributed based on priority of need and how much of the excess funds should be shifted into higher interest bearing accounts. Jacob was finalizing his analytical review of the information, but did not fail to notice the agitation building in the Alpha which was directed at his phone. Jason seemed to be in a healthier demeanor today but he was clearly perturbed at this moment, however not to a point that would cause the Master Beta any concern.

"I'll be right back." he said, as he walked out of the office placing the phone to his ear. His entire walk down the flights of steps consisted of him repeatedly hanging up as he was sent to voicemail, and then immediately calling back to only receive the same results. He was going to kill the highly recommended stylist, only after he handled the damage he had done to her length by taking her himself to get extensions put in until it grew out.

He threw his phone into the passenger seat as he mounted the drivers side, irritation clearly consuming his eyes as they deepened to a darker green. He literally asked for one fucking thing, and the first thing she did when he gave her the liberty, was choose to ignore it. He once again cut the time almost in half to arrive at the house in nearly fifteen minutes. Walking up the path with quick steps he abruptly entered the home, seeking out her scent to see how bad her hair situation was, his jaws tensed as his mother came from the kitchen in mock surprise with rosy cheeks influenced by the alcohol.

"Oh Jason. We weren't expecting you." she said as she crossed her arms, resting an elbow on a forearm and utilizing a hand to hide the smirk on her lips.

"Well, I wasn't expecting to be clearly disobeyed with my one very simple request." he said back in annoyance as he walked towards the kitchen. "That's the last fucking time you have any influence on her decisions." he said sharply looking back at her over his shoulder, clearly feeling his mother played a hand in the directive to chop off her long beautiful hair.

"I think your being a little harsh." she said innocently. "It's a good look for her." she followed him adding as he pushed through the door and his feet immediately stopped when he saw Elizabeth sitting on a stool at the countertop, the agreed upon length perfectly intact.

Further irritation lining his face, as they both erupted in champagne influenced laughter as Catherine resumed her spot next to Elizabeth and both of them taking another sip of the gold colored bubbling liquid finding the end result of the joke very satisfying.

"It was awful." Adolphus said walking into the kitchen with his scotch in hand, now that Jason was here, even in his study he couldn't block out the shrillness of their conversation. "And they're both drunk. Never again Jason."

"Dolphy, we're not drunk. I was actually thinking we need another bottle." Catherine said playfully as she batted her eyes and Elizabeth nodded her head in agreement fervently as her face was warm with deep red cheeks and twinkling eyes.

"I hate that name." Adolphus gave her a frustrated side eye, having his fill of estrogen for the day, especially when it was so heavily mixed with champagne.

The Alpha was not fond of being made a joke of, but his relief to see her hair still holding a respectable length quelled most of his irritation. Not entirely, but enough.

"I don't know what you two think is so funny." Jason said with a deep tone, walking over to Elizabeth and grabbing lightly at some of her hair to take a closer look at it, as if measuring its length was entirely accurate.

"I don't know." Elizabeth said with a huge grin and her hands going up in the air with a shrug. "Maybe the first dozen calls." she laughed, as she looked up at him.

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