Mathias: The Beginning

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June 13th of the year 1763, sunshine illuminated the ground in the north region of the territory, drenching the woods in the colors of deep green, with stark tones of brown basking in the yellow rays with the trace of orange in its tones.

Stark gold eyes trailed the feminine figure of the blonde whose bodice was covered with a delicate white fabric and whose feet were lined with the thick covering of animal skin. She was unaware of the lingering stare that followed her for the last half mile as she scavenged the woods in search of edible greens in the thick of the woods. The gentle winds carried her scent which spoke to him heavily of the hard to acquire vanilla plant, it being a coveted commodity due to its expense of trade and the distance it had to travel in order for it to be obtained.

How keenly he recognized it and how much the depths of its tones spoke to him, almost transporting him to a far off place with extreme humidity and never-ending warmth, ensured to him that he had found his mate. He stalked her like a predator would his prey, his intent was not to harm her, but rather he preferred to watch her in her natural element. He wanted to pickup her inherent habits which were exclusive to her, her gentle nature being obvious to him as she moved about perfectly contented and at her own leisure.

She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and his chest filled with an immense gratitude for the Goddess blessing him with such a vision. His benevolence, generosity and hard work had paid off and he was truly gifted with the most divine gift that could ever be bestowed upon him. And yet, he still did not know the color of her eyes.

She would move forward, and he would follow. A cat and mouse game where the mouse was unaware of the trap laid out for it. She would turn in his direction, and he would hide behind the cover of trees and bushes, only to capture a few more moments of her essence. He was taunting himself and it was becoming almost unbearable.

He decided it was finally time to meet the woman he would be sharing his life with, and he did so by taking a purposeful step forward onto a fallen branch and snapping it beneath his weight. Bright blue eyes turned in his direction in alarm at the sound produced from his foot, and then she was ensnared. They both were. Gold eyes locked on to blue eyes and a mutual understanding was instantly formed.

Two pairs of feet closed the distance between them until they stood before each other, staring in ultimate knowing that they were destined to be with one another until the end of time.

"I have been waiting for you." he said as he slowly reached a hand to directly caress at the side of her neck, electrifying sparks traveling in-between the two of them.

Her head tilted to the side as she took him in, her eyes showing deep contemplative thoughts taking place.

"What is your name?" He questioned, as he continued to run at her neck, coaxing her forward to close the already small distance in between them.

"I'm Elena." Her soft voice spoke out to him like dripping honey from a hive.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful mate." He said with a smile. "I'm Mathias. I'm so glad to finally meet you." He said with his other hand going on her waist.

"And now we will live happily ever after?" She questioned, her hands going on his chest as she leaned into his body.

"For all eternity." He said with a soft smile before giving her their first shared kiss.

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