So Now You Need Me?

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Ryan sat at his desk, sifting through paperwork as he looked over the finances for the pack. He was so engrossed in the matter that he almost failed to acknowledge his secretaries page through the intercom.

"Alpha Ryan." the smooth female voice reached out through the speaker.

His eyes flickered over to the apparatus on his desk, before he depressed the speak button, "Yes, Linda?"

"I have Master Beta Jacob on the phone from the Shaded Mountain pack requesting to speak with you. Should I transfer the call?" she questioned awaiting his response.

His eyes flickered over to the blinking red light next to the line one marker on the VOIP phone. "Did you say Shaded Mountain?" his eyes widening lightly in shock, his question asking for confirmation that he did in fact hear her correctly.

"That is correct." she said back succinctly.

"Did he say the reason for the call?" he questioned, knowing that his representatives had been trying to reach out to the pack for a status update on Elizabeth for the last several days and had received zero response.

"He would not say, he would like to exclusively speak with you." she said back, showing she had tried in vain to take a brief message to detail the reason for the call.

"Transfer him over, and then get Master Beta Dominick in here." he said releasing the button, and immediately picking up the phone as it began to ring. "Alpha Ryan speaking." his tone growing deeper due to the person he was now addressing.

"Alpha Ryan, I hope all is well with you and your pack." Jacob said in the rote greeting he applied to all outside packs.

"What's is the reason for this call?" he said gruffly. "And why should I be inclined to listen to  anything you have to say since your pack feels no need to respond to any of our packs communications?"

"I apologize for the delay in our response." Jacob said in his same even tone. "We were allowing water to settle under the bridge to diffuse the tension."

"Well, I'm sorry to say that you provided us with the opposite effect you were hoping for." the Alpha said in irritation.

"I was calling because it seems that Alpha Jason and Miss. Elizabeth appear to be settling in rather nicely together, and I thought it would ease your worry to share the good news." Jacob added ignoring the tone of the Alpha.

"If that's true, then put her on the phone so she can relay that information to me herself." he said back quickly.

"She is currently resting at the moment, but I will tell her you give her your regards." Jacob replied even quicker.

Alpha Ryan eyes shifted over to the time reflecting on the bottom right on his computer screen on-top of the desk. "It is 4:15pm here, meaning it is 2:15pm there. You're telling me she is sleeping right now?" he questioned with clear suspicion in his voice.

"She has had an eventful day. They have completed the mating and marking process today and she is currently resting as of a result of it." The Master Beta responded smoothly with a cool answer.

"And I suppose you would have me believe she was a willing participant?" he said as his eyes hardened in further irritation.

"She was." Jacobs answer quick and concise.

"So you called to tell me he fucked her?" Ryan having even more doubt about Jacobs intentions for the call.

"Well, I thought it would be wise to inform you that it was all going well, and was hoping to begin mending the fences between our packs." he said giving a rational logic to explain his reason for the call.

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