Whats Happening?

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Jason could no longer handle watching his naked mates form laying against the beta as she shifted back into her normal female figure in her unconscious state. He walked over and ripped her up from Alex's soothing hold of her, cradling her body in his own tight grip with a lethal scowl on his face. He wanted the beta dead, but he also wanted to coddle her body tightly against his, and he currently found himself stuck in a limbo.

While he had so desperately wanted to rip apart the beta from limb to limb, he felt more inclined to tightly clutch her naked flesh against his own clothed frame in a protective possessive manner, reassuring himself that he was what she needed in this moment,  and not the brunette haired blue eyed man who sat on the floor.

Alex, of course had an immediate reaction to the alphas response but was quickly subdued by the neutral alphas presence who stepped in between them and immediately declared visiting hours were over. Brents words clearly dictating that he meant all visitors, except for Jason, who he would be unable to control in the same capacity as he was the other patrons of the room.

It had proved to be a long day for everyone involved and Alpha Brent abruptly called it's end to prevent further discord. Jason would lay her body down back in the bed, where he would deposit himself as well, while his careful green eyes would watch a new nurse insert clean sterile IVs back into the young blondes veins after they had wiped away the dried blood thoroughly. The nurse trembling under his watchful gaze in complete fear, in the event that she did not get the insertion of the needle tip right on the first try in each vein.

It became obvious that Brent had unexpectedly received more guests for an overnight stay, Jacob was placed in guest housing and Alex was escorted back to his own room by the generous host, the alpha himself. Upon his departure, Alpha Brent had nothing to say. Alex had expected harshly spoken words or a punishment which would be laid out tomorrow, but he received none of the sort.

Brent had recognized that this was absolutely a sticky situation for everyone involved, and tried to remain as far removed as possible. The sooner the outside Alpha and his mate were off his territory, the better. He couldn't involve himself in the sordid relationship between her, him and anyone else who felt inclined to trespass. Brent finding himself relieved, that he himself, was not in a position that would have to personally deal with the difficulties of a mated courtship, as of yet.

Jason did not sleep at all throughout the night. Instead he watched her vitals reflecting on the monitor and her soft slumbering face. Her body had completely relaxed against his large frame, which only proved to him that she was his, he didn't question her physical response, but rationalized her previous actions with Brents carefully chosen words before he arrived.

She had moments of unclarity, she had bouts of dissociation, she had been in a circumstance that had caused her immense trauma.  Her wolfs reaction to the beta was just another sign that she was unwell.  It was just another sign that she had been currently afflicted with an abnormal way of thinking, nothing was rational in her reaction. He knew it for certain, especially with how intensely the sensation of her body against his felt. He knew it when he saw the green in her eyes return to his eyes only. Elizabeth was his. He was sure of that.

Alex's words were nonsense. The beta wanted to provoke him, and he was successful in his attempts. This was the only measure that truly made the alpha feel weakened, he was clearly bothered by the betas presence, and faltered at his words of love and how it could be unrequited to him personally.

Jason didn't lose focus on his mate. While his efforts did slightly derail into wanting the betas death, he was much more concerned about her well being. He made sure his body tightly wrapped against hers, and that his own scent took over her frame.

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