The Love Of A Mate

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"Excuse me, Miss. Hollie, I'm sorry for disturbing you." Jacob said quietly behind her back, his lips pressed close to her ear, as he disrupted her conversation from other pack members enjoying the celebration. "I was wondering, if you would permit me a dance?"

Her whole body shuddered at the appearance of his cool and gentle tone from the back of her form. Goosebumps erupted all across her flesh, as she was overwhelmed internally with a warmth that spreads all across her frame at the mere sound of his voice.

"Of course, Master Beta." She said almost breathlessly, only garnering enough strength to put the weakest sound behind her voice.

"Jake, if you, please." He said back at normal volume still utilizing the same calm and present tone as his arm wrapped about her waist and pulled her away from the conversation she had previously held with others.

"Where have you been?" She asked, her light brown eyes finding his darker ones color as he directed her movement to the dance floor.

"Missing you, as always Hollie." He said back smoothly, as he grasped one of her hands and lacing her fingers with his own, keeping his other arm tightly about her waist.

"I was so sure you wouldn't come." She said quietly as he began to sweep her against the dance floor in slow movements, guiding her body effortlessly under his direction.

"And miss a dance with you? Never." He said back just as quietly, not wanting discretion, but wanting to provide her with intimacy.

"I've missed you." She said back in complete honesty, keeping their reserved dance stance for his sake.

"You have no idea, how much I have missed you." He said back just as honest, as a hand went up to push her head into the crook of his own neck and shoulder. "You're my everything, Hollie." He breathed out as he glided her across the dance floor. "You're the only thing that matters to me." He continued, as he dipped her down to the tempo of the music. "Everything I have ever wanted or needed, lies within you." He said as he drew her back up, locking their bodies tightly together as he continue their dance. "I haven't been fair, have I?" He questioned reflectively as he continued to lead her, his question more rhetorical than needing an answer. "I need to do better, by you." He said more firmly as the music began to slow at the dances end. "And I will. I promise." He said with a nod before both of his hands cupped her face and drew her in for a deep kiss on her lips.

Her body was held suspended in his grip as he deepened the kiss in the middle of the dance floor. She, finally, receiving what she had always wanted, which was his public affection. He being unabashedly publicly affectionate. She was no longer a hidden object or something to be hoarded. Jacob had reached deep within himself to recognize her needs.

It was a stronger hold on her than the mark on her inner thigh. The attention was now focused on the once absent master beta as he held the beautiful sandy blonde in complete composure against his frame for all eyes to see. Hoots and hollers from the show began to take place from warriors and others of a lower rank as they took in the normally composed man who was entranced with her petite frame, making her self conscious as they goaded him in his passionate efforts. However, he did not stop, he only tightened his grip on her frame. His lips only departing for the briefest moment so he could ask a one worded question. "Another?"

"Absolutely." She said weakly, and began to follow his direction once more on the dance floor for all eyes to see.


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