You're Beautiful

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After they had silently finished their meals, Jason stood and held out his hand for Elizabeth, guiding her away from the table and leading her up the steps to the bedroom. His eyes still held the same deep green tone but his breathing had calmed and his face looked a little calmer as he walked into the bathroom. The sound of a powerful faucet began to emit from the bathroom, and the shifting of bottles detailed that he was filling the bath, a soothing aroma of a floral scent began to filter out of the room as steam filled the air within it.

"I think it's best you take a bath, you can keep your arm out of the tub and I'll help you get cleaned up." he said as he left the room, the water still filling the immense bath. Removing his shirt as he walked over to the basket.

"I, uh..." she said nervously as her unharmed hand began to fidget with the large t-shirt he had provided for her at the end of her hospital stay since her sweater had been shredded and was covered in her own blood.

"I wont look." he said with a sigh as he noticed her demeanor. "But you wont be able to do it yourself." he looking back at her, his eyes showing he was being sincere.

"Okay..." she said with a small nod as she looked down at the bandaged arm.

"Go in, get undressed and then get in the bath. Let me know when I can come in." he said with a nod to the bathroom.

She gave another small nod and turned to go into the bathroom. For some reason feeling no need to close the door behind her, only because of his recent words showing that he would be respectful of her privacy. Her injured hand shook as she used both of them to pull the shirt over her head. Her eyes lingering on her stomach for a moment as she poked at it to test that it was still firm, her mind twisting and contorting the image making her feel as if she was getting fat, and a flustered sigh erupted as she looked away from the mirrored reflection. Making the decision right there and then that she wouldn't be eating until she was content with her own body again.

One hand going down to the brim of her leggings, pushing them down as she felt her eyes begin to look back at her reflection, this time taking in her round butt and lingering on the top of her thighs. Tears beginning to well out of nowhere as her mind began to further convince her that she was indeed getting fat, when in all actual reality Jason had been right and she had lost weight. She began to be overrun with an irrational fear that he would find her disgusting to look at.

He doesn't like fat girls.

Mark's words repeating in her head over and over again and she continued to push the pants down her legs with one hand. Not knowing why she was so overly concerned about Jason's thoughts or opinions regarding her body, especially since it was something she had previously,  so carefully guarded from him.

The pants stopping at her ankles as she haphazardly tried to kick off her shoes, being so distracted with her fixation on the non-existent fat that she had missed this step, she ended up stumbling backwards and hitting her arm against the showers glass causing a sharp inhale which sucked at her clenched teeth.

Jason was in the room within seconds, standing in front of her and pulling her away from the glass. Concern laden eyes taking in the tears that welled within her own and gentle hands going to look at the bandaging to ensure that no bleeding was caused from the collision with glass. "Are you alright?" he asked with worry, as his eyes still examined the bandages.

Her face displayed shock, he never failed to amaze her with just how quick he actually was and it was always alarming. "Y-yes. I just had trouble with my shoes." she said looking down as she had successfully dislodged one, but the other still remained.

Wordlessly, he quickly bent down onto one knee, his hands placing both of hers on his shoulders so she would have a stabilizing support as he lifted the foot with the shoe still attached and removed it carefully. Pulling her pants off of one leg, as well as her socks, before replacing the foot and then doing the same the with the opposite. "There." he said as he stood, finding it incredibly difficult to not look at her, his eyes sneaking a glance as he rose before they quickly averted to the wall.

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