Check Mate

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She had changed into jeans and a long sleeved shirt, earning Jason's' approval as she stepped out of the bathroom. Her thoughts clearly distracted from their recent encounter, and not even truly acknowledging what was happening at present.

His fingers had laced into hers, almost perfectly, as  he pulled her to the one door she had desperately tried to break out of earlier, but  before receiving no result.

The familiar jingle of keys echoing within the back of her mind, as she was lead out into a large hallway lined with an elaborate gold carpet running the length, showing minimal wood flooring at its sides. Only attempting to pull her hand from his grasp once, or maybe twice, as he lead her along, showing no obvious outward signs of struggle.

Ultimately, she ended up following his guided hand, wishing it to be out of curiosity, but knowing it was from clear submission. Knowing his strength most definitely outweighed her own, no matter how determined she was in fighting the cause.

He had lead her down grand marble steps, onto the next floor of the immense home. Guiding her into a room with only a sole individual present, a man who quickly stood at attention in detailed military precision upon their entrance.

The room, containing a massive television at its forefront, among different elemental accents of entertainment in it from board games to electronics. It was a "waiting" room of sorts. One designed to produce comfort for those who sat idly within its walls.

"You will stay here, until someone comes to get you." his deep voice soothingly said, almost melting into her ears but at the same time, sounding far away due to her current state of inattention. Thoughts running amuck in her brain, repeating the past events over and over again in an repetitive fashion

She only truly became aware of her being locked away into another room, as she felt his hand unclasp from hers and she heard the keys jumbling in the distance. Her eyes suddenly keying into the man present before her, standing in straight attention. Another accomplice in her detainment.

"You are?" she asked in a pointed measure, coming to her wits and her curiosity not hiding any form of suspicion. A clear awareness that any strangers presence would not cause her harm, other than the master of the house. Staring at him in a direct manner, now having come back to a clear reality.

"I am Joseph." he responded casually, relaxing his demeanor and looking softly upon her with an air of sympathy.

"And what is your role in all of this?' she asked with hands going into the air and an obvious irritation being displayed by her pointed direction to the locked door, and his assumed culpability in this matter.

"Well..." he said, quietly. "I am your protection. Your bodyguard, so to speak." his voice slightly meak showing his awareness of her being clearly uninformed of the events taking place.

"My bodyguard? And why would I need a bodyguard... unless you're protecting me from him?" she said more directly, now pointing more furiously towards the locked door behind her, remembering the anger she once held for the tall broad man who disappeared behind the locked door. The same man who had her falling into his body without remorse.

"Miss. Elizabeth...  I am not your enemy. Please, don't direct your venom towards me." he said, hands up in the air in of neutrality. "Perhaps, we should spend our time with a game at your discretion." he said, with one hand spreading out to the immense population of available products accessible among the bookshelves and walls before them.

His submissive tone, offered no reason for her to rebuke his plead. He was apparently an innocent, just another person assigned to a job which was not of his choice.

"Fine." she huffed. Knowing that he would also not grant her any reprieve.  "I have no preference. Pick your choice." she said dismissively in a resignation. 

She ultimately knowing, she had to bide her time until she would be allowed to see her family and Alex. This being a fact that was certainly promised to her from her previous conversations with the man that was currently at question.

"Well.." he said contemplatively, being caught off guard, not expecting it to be a game of his own choice. "Im fond of chess. Do you know how to play?"

Did she know how to play? Of course she did. She had played it from a young age, and excelled at it. However, never reaching a level to where she could out match her Uncle. Him always thinking one step ahead of her own.

"I know enough." she said with a shrug, airing on the side of caution, not wanting to give a notion of pretext that would deter him from playing.

"Great! Black or white?" he said as he walked towards the area where the board was currently stacked among other games.

"I'll take black." she said in response, giving him the opportunity to start strong, and her the opportunity to build a defense.

"The pieces may appear different to you." he said as he walked to the table at the far end of the room designated for game play. "But I'll explain them before we start." he added in confidence as he opened the fine wooden board and the stone elements shifted within.

She followed him, her hand quickly picked up the svelte figure of the female form instantly, in perfect replication of pointed nipples and wide hips combined with a rounded ass on the piece. Those attributes not going unnoticed by her interrogative eyes. "This is the queen?" she asked in feigned curiosity, knowing it to be the only choice of the token at hand.

"Yes." he replied quickly, while grabbing at a token of the same color and producing it before her. It clearly being a defined wolfs head, with snarling teeth and wild eyes carved intricately into the stone, almost faintly familiar of the stare Jason had produced multiple times over her short stay. "And this is the king."

The bishop was carved in a tall stark manner, almost reminiscent of the washington monument with its rigidity, however not displaying an incline to its appearance. The rook, a defined paw print. The knights token was of that of three wolves packed closely together in uniformity, a similar appearance taken from the kings piece. The pawn was shaped in a whispering wiggle, a squiggle of a line descending into the air.

All of this quickly understood by Elizabeth, knowing that each chess board set had its own unique flavor. Not being bothered by the difference among the pieces.

"Let's play. " she said confidently, knowing the strength she would exude behind her game play. "You start." She said markedly as she took her seat and waited in anticipation for the pieces to move in front of her. Planning her mode of attack based off of each placement.

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