Night Night

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"That guy was a complete douche." Alex simmered in the back seat of the SUV as they pulled off of Shaded Mountains territory.
"Shut your fucking mouth. Your behavior was completely unacceptable and only escalated the situation. I have never been so disappointed in one of my sons. Say goodbye to any enjoyment in your life until I've decided to calm the fuck down." Ryan retorted, glaring back at his son through gritted teeth. Alex falling back against the seat, attempting to merge with it as his father's anger had never been directed at him in this magnitude.
"We didn't even explain the prophecy..." Dominick said in frustration, as he drove them back towards the hotel.
"She's a female... It holds no weight." Ryan said back gruffly, turning his attention to Dominick.
"How can we be so sure?" Dominick questioned, worry in his tone.
"It holds no weight." Ryan said in complete finality as the car went silent.
Jason and Elizabeth had finished their meals in silence. Neither finding a topic to converse on that would produce a response from the other. Elizabeth did feel a little bit better after filling her empty stomach with the hearty food, even feeling compelled to have a few more sips of wine on her own terms. The red liquid slightly relaxing the tension in her body, but her form still feeling as if she had conducted vigorous intense exercise.

He cleared his throat as he took another sip of the scotch in his hand, causing her hazel eyes to flicker over to him and give him the desired attention.

"How was it?" he asked mildly, gauging if it would be something she would like to have again, trying to find her likes and interests in the wake of such little communication.

"It was good." she said without real enthusiasm in her voice but it also hinting at honesty. "The wine is good as well... Thank you." she said and then her eyes fell back down onto her lap where nervous fingers were twiddling in uncomfortable fashion.

"I figured it was a safe bet, since you had the same thing when we went out to lunch." he said, trying to show he took note of such things and earn some brownie points.

"Yes... A safe bet for sure." she said back quietly, with furrowed eyebrows as her eyes meticulously noticed a hangnail that she began to pick at.

"...Do you have any hobbies?" he questioned, looking to continue down the road of conversing with her.

"...Uh no, not really. I like to read sometimes... But most of my free time I spent planning to travel..." she said with the sadness coming back into her tone.

He cleared his throat again, and took another sip of his drink while looking off to the side with a flicker of his eyes, before landing them back on her, completely ignoring the last part of her response, "What do you like to read?"

"...Can I have my own bedroom?" she asked spontaneously, looking up at him with wide hopeful eyes, hands stopping their motions.

"Is that a series?" he scoffed rolling his eyes, completely failing to respond to her pointed question.

"Please?" she pleaded with him ardently.

"You have a room." he stated back stiffly.

"Your room?" she questioned.

"Our room." another sip taken so he could hold his tongue from producing further words of growing annoyance.

"But where do I sleep?" she asked back at him.

"In our bed." his green eyes started to darken to a deeper shade, finding it absolutely irritating how difficult this situation was. By now, they should have been mated, she should have been marked and they should have been planning his heir. However, he was never lucky in life, and had to be mated to the only she-wolf who wouldn't absolutely and positively swoon at the idea of him being her mate.

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