Running Theories

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When Jason had woken up in the bed alone, and could not smell her lavender scent, the same dread filled his body as once before. A massive search was conducted of the territory for the young blonde, Alpha Brent growing nervous when the Beta as well could not be located. His own pack now had to be concerned about an impending assault from Shaded Mountain if it was found that they had left together and he had done nothing to prevent it. He should have sent the beta away at the first sign of conflict, but it was a sticky situation that he had incorrectly assessed.

When the Beta and the woman had disappeared and his vehicle had not been found it was clearly confirmed that they were together. A new bulletin went out producing an immediate search for Elizabeth and Alex, Elizabeth was to be brought back unharmed and Alex was to be produced dead or alive. However, this time Shaded Mountain was hesitant to call forth their military and that of their allies too quickly. Tracking units were dispelled out, with the vehicles description, it had been found abandoned in the middle of the state of Kansas on a desolate dirt road. Indicating that they were heading East, also indicating that they most likely were heading back to Pennsylvania.

Alpha Ryan firmly denied any contact with them, and even offered his assistance in locating them. He was done with his sons infatuation with the woman and found him now to be a clear destructive detriment to the pack, making his own decision to end his life himself, much to his own heart break. The clear passion he held in his voice and the devastation he relayed in its tone, caused Jacob to further hesitate and carefully ask for Jason to hold back.

This was not in the hands of pinecrest, this act exclusively belonged to a man obsessed with the beautiful woman. All parties agreed that it needed to end, it was just a matter of who found them first, as to who would deliver it.

A long upright curving line across the U.S. was filled with unexplained bloodshed. Groups of Lycans were found shredded to pieces and unrecognizable, being stumbled upon by joggers or territory scout units. Not one of the packs that they belonged to communicated with one another that they had lost contact with a tracking unit in their quest for the new reward offered by the mountain pack. Considering each instance an isolated event since they were scattered and spread about, believing it to possibly be an act of rogues. There was no way the beta and the young woman could have been complicit in the acts, as they were too graphic, and the beta would have been outnumbered in many of the scenarios.

It took the couple three days to arrive at the limits of the Pennsylvania packs territory, their entrance permitted under the guise of protection, their request for protection a guise to garner their entry. Alpha Ryan immediately reached out the mountain pack to let them know they had shown up and that he would be doling out his sons punishment the next morning. He requested privacy in the matter, which was reluctantly accepted by Jason but full heartedly understood by Jacob.

Once the Alpha ended the life of his second born son, he would call the other Alpha to collect his mate. Shaded mountain waited. And they waited. And they waited some more. Despite their time difference it was well into the evening and they felt the air of deception brewing, calls went unattended to, requests for information ignored. Jason's pack was on the verge of mobilizing when the phone in Jacob's office began to sound and his secretary Hollie's smooths voice came over the intercom.

"Master Beta Jacob," always the professional during work hours and calling her mate by his title. "Master Beta Dominick from Pinecrest pack is on the line and is requesting to speak with you."

"Patch him through Hollie." He said in his even tone a relief filling his chest as they were finally hearing the word in the nick of time.

Jason sat by anxiously on top of his desk, his ears honing in waiting for the same relief to consume him. As soon as the phone rang and the line one indicator had lit, he placed the call on speaker.

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