The Mad Queen

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"Hello Alex." Jason said lowly, intimidation being a clear tactic he was utilizing in his voice, in a perfectly calculated measure. "How are you enjoying fucking my mate?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment, before he spoke back in a firmer tone. "Alpha Jason, it has been made clear to you that this pack is not interested in communicating with yours."

"Well... I just thought I would give you time to prepare." The alpha said in response, his words leading the beta with bait on an extended line.

"Prepare for what exactly?" Alex questioned with an eye roll audible in his mocking tone.

"I'm coming for you. And when I get there, I'll make sure you know how it really feels to fuck an Alpha. The whole eastern coast will here your cries and calls of my name, and then... I'll kill you, and make Elizabeth watch." He said with a smirk, knowing exactly what to say to invoke the desired response from the blue eyed man. "There's going to be a lot of bloodshed on account of your small cock not knowing it's place."

There was silence over the phone and a heavy breath was heard over the line. "He-" the leaders of shaded mountain all exchanged looks amongst one another besides Jason who had a twinkle of satisfaction in his eyes. He was going to get exactly what he wanted out of this conversation.  "...she will kill you first. I remain unfazed."

"Remember that girl Allison? That one you threw to the side for my mate? What a spectacle." He said as if he was overwhelmed by the drama of it all. "Her father the master beta is pretty upset. He'll be coming too. From what I understand all my allies will be showing up, possibly some of yours as well. Apparently, they're not fond of a female thinking she's tough."

"... I think this conversation is over." He said abruptly after another long silence. "I'll let the alpha know you send your regards." And then there was a click followed by a error laced ringing signaling the line was disconnected.

"The alpha will be calling." Jason sat back in his chair smugly, his elbow leaning on the rest to support his head with a straightened pointer finger against his firm jaw.

Elizabeth, during her short time with Geoffrey had learned about mates and the pack hierarchy. One of the ways to get to the Alpha and weaken their strength was through their fairer partner the Luna. Alex did seem weaker. He didn't spit back snarky retorts or present challenging phrases, he spoke with trepidation, he also faltered on her sex.

They were right in their speculations, and Jason found his access point, through the undeclared Luna. He knew the imposter would run to their mate in a panic and that would set the tone for a rapid rough response. Now they would just have to wait, it wouldn't be long, not after he threatened to defile and kill the alphas mate in such a direct manner.

"Let's have a drink, and plan our next action while we wait." The alpha said in satisfaction, Mark smirking as he stood up to grab the decanter and four glasses. They weren't celebrating victory just yet, they were celebrating a firm foot forward in the right direction.


"Alpha Jason." Lucie his secretary chimed through on the speaker a half an hour later. "Alpha Elizabeth from Pinecrest is on the line."

"No kidding." He said is mock surprise. "Put her through." He said and then proceeded to idly sip at his scotch. All eyes and ears honed in on the phone as the line one button began to light up and the phone began to ring, he placed it on speaker immediately and adopted a sickeningly sweet voice. "Alpha Elizabeth, I'm so glad you finally decided to return my calls. How are you?"

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