It Puts The Lotion On The Skin

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A/N: I would like to thank everyone who has been following the story so far, and I immensely appreciate the likes, comments and continued readership.

I wanted to quickly, mention that this book is coming to a close in the next few chapters, but that a sequel is rapidly following its ending. I promise to try and update as frequently as possible, at the same pace I have been.

Ideas are swirling in my head that hopefully you'll love, hate, and continue to keep your piqued interest on the characters you have come to know over the last few months.

Thank you for your support!



Jason had stared at her in a creepy fixation ever since those words left her lips. His deep green eyes did not part from her form, as she was preparing for the ceremony that would bind her to his pack and declare her as his second hand for all eyes and ears present. His obsession with her only grew with the fact that she was carrying his child, his heir.

Never had he seen a more beautiful, entirely infuriating woman. He was without words, as he stared, his eyes unable to look away as if he did, she would disappear. A taunting thought in the back of his mind that she had just been a figment of his imagination all along. She was too perfect, too desirable, too right.

Everything they had been through together had been worth it. Never had he worked so hard for something in his life. The challenge of the previous Alpha, and the rebuilding of a shattered pack, was mere child's play compared to the efforts he had put into obtaining her. And now he had her. He had her entirely, every bit of insecurity he had ever garnered disappeared as he watched her swaying hips knowing what laid within their contents.

She was going to be an excellent mother. She was going bare him a strong heir. He knew, as soon as those words left her lips, that she would give him a powerful young male. He knew one day, he would be able to step down from his role in confidence and pass it to his son, that she provided to him.

When that day came, he knew he could enjoy her entirely at their leisure. They would grow old together, and squabble relentlessly the rest of their lives, but he couldn't envision a more promising future. In eighteen years time she would have him entirely. He was twenty six now, soon to be twenty seven. He would still be strong, he would still be stout and he would retire to give her, her every hearts desire and his complete undivided attention.

It was a struggle to not relent his power even now, as he was heavily addicted to the young beautiful blonde. However, her pregnancy gave him a reprieve from the dark depths of his own mind, telling him the end was near. It was attainable. For the first time in his life, the turbulence in his mind had quelled... it was the greatest gift she could have ever bestowed upon him. The reprieve he so desperately needed.

"You're still staring." She said with a side eyed glance before she lowered her lids and allowed the makeup artist to paint them to perfection in a smoky hue.

"I'm sorry." He was not, as he continued to watch her.

"So you'll be attending the ball in your boxers?" She opened her eyes only momentarily to give him another glance with raised brows before closing them once more.

"I'll get dressed." He replied back in brevity, still not removing his stalker like stare from her.

"Then, go get dressed." She began to lightly scold him, feeling his burning gaze on her face.

"I will." He said back, but made no movement to do so.

"Jason. I will be here when you come back from your closet. Go." She said, almost as if she was reading his thoughts.

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