Eat Your Words

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Jason had been misguided in his direction for her to eat and have a drink to chase the hangover, as Elizabeth struggled to eat inevitably turning pale and once again headed to the bathroom, this time more urgently. Her stomach was incredibly weak from how much she had consumed for her small frame and due to inexperience, she was learning a very hard lesson to know her limits this morning. When she came out of the bathroom, Jason was waiting outside the door, resigning himself to the fact that she wouldn't be able to champion through the day and needed more rest.

He had intended to take her to the zoo today, figuring she would like it and thinking it was a cute date idea, but instead he would be taking her back to the hotel so she could sleep until she woke up on her on accord and would be normally functioning in time for their dinner meeting. They had the rest of the weekend to go out and do things, there was no point in taking her out and about if she was just going to be miserable the entire time.

"Come on, you need more sleep." He said grabbing her hand as she still looked pale with heavy circles under her eyes.

"Im never drinking again." She said shaking her head before she began to to lean heavily against his side as he lead her out of the restaurant into the fresh air while Mark wrapped up the check.

"But you will." He said with a shrug, he had heard that same exact phrase from countless people the night after overindulging. "At least, you can be proud of the fact that you're a fun drunk. You're the life of the party." He said with a grin, having thoroughly enjoyed every mode she reached throughout the night.

"The party has died along with my dignity." She said dejectedly.

"You weren't bad. Just incredibly bossy. It was kind of hot." He said patting her head.

"Jason, I could literally be dead, and you would say I was hot and try to have sex with my corpse." She said with a roll of her eyes.

"It's possible." He said with another shrug earning a glare.

"Okay, bills paid. Let's get the princess back to her ivory tower." Mark said walking out of the restaurant. "Rapunzel. Rapunzel... don't puke in your hair." He said in a sing-songy tone.

"I'm so over the both of you." She said beginning to walk back in the direction of the hotel, not getting very far as Jason held her hand and refused to move only further irritating her. "Can we please go?!" She began to whine while stomping her foot, causing them both once again to laugh and begin the forward motion back to the hotel.


Jason and Mark hung out in the living room portion of the pent house as Elizabeth slept like the dead. Each of them sipped casually on a beer enjoying the peace of doing absolutely nothing. Usually their days were so hectic and  this little trip proved already to be very relaxing even though they were idly waiting for the sleeping blonde to wake up. In a few hours, they would have to start getting ready to go over the paperwork for the meeting that was the sole reason for their trip, but for now, they were at their leisure.

"Hey." Mark said over to Jason as he focused on picking at the label on the sweating bottle in his hand. "You going to give me that number?"

"No." Jason said bluntly, as he took a swig of his beer and sifted through his phone.

"Why not?" The beta questioned quickly, almost shocked by the alpha's immediate response.

"I'm still deliberating on whether or not I'm going to let her hang out with this Stacie girl." He said with shrug as he mulled over the pros and cons in letting Elizabeth spend time with the redhead.

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