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Jason stumbled out of the shower, seeming to be more drunk than he was before, as his lower body crashed into the sinks countertop across from the enclosure. He starting his stumbling while trying to wrap the towel around his waist.

Mark was standing by idly in the door watching him, seeing the shower door still open and the second bottle now empty, the Beta was counting down the clock waiting for Jason to collapse in his bed and pass out.

The last time he saw Jason this drunk was the night he became Alpha. There were plenty of times before that when they were teenagers and running amuck in the dark of the night, but the day after he became Alpha, came with a sudden change. Jason had stopped all his leisurely pursuits and threw himself into his new found role, having to pick up the broken pieces of the pack and put them back together only to build on top of those pieces and make it stronger.

Tonight, held a stark difference from his celebratory night of obtaining alphaship. Tonight, reeked of self loathing mixed with unbridled anger in combination with immense heartbreak. When Mark looked at Jason, he felt sorry for him.

Jason was not weak physically, he could easily do a show of force to prove that, but he was currently emotionally crippled, which was far more devastating.

Jason looked into the mirror for a minute, his hair hanging down filled thickly with water absorbed from the shower, still admitting drops and streams to both the counter top as well as onto the skin it tightly clung to on his neck and shoulders.

His deep green eyes fixating on the gold necklace still around his neck,  more so, that it held onto the black thick band weighing down in its center. "Did you call her?" He questioned darkly, Jason staring into his own deep eyes as he took in his appearance which seemed irregularly pale and being doubled, unless he squinted his eyes to sharpen his vision.

"I called her." Mark said quietly.

"How long until she gets here?" He asked as he began to try to mentally will his muscles to sober up from their limpness, the last thing he wanted was to feel another deafening blow to his self esteem at being unable to perform to the most basic instinctual tasks.

"I told her to come in a couple of hours. That you were busy with work, backed up...actually, now that she couldn't help you, and that you felt sorry for abruptly ending the relationship you two had. Whatever weird fucked up thing that was." Mark said with an eye roll. "I knew you wouldn't want anyone to see you... like this."

"I'm fine." His words curt and sharp, his firm denial closely hiding his thankfulness to Marks discretion.

"I don't really know if this is a good idea." Mark said with caution and in complete honesty, watching Jason stare at himself in the mirror.

"It makes it only more fitting." Jason spat out in a deep self-hatred filled response.

He needed to feel like he was still a man. He needed to hear the pleasure he induced from the female body to confirm that he, in fact, was not defective. He also needed devoted attention, he needed to feel like he was wanted, he needed to utilize Amber's own unrequited love to remind him that it was possible for someone to love him. No matter how vacantly that love registered on his own being.

He loved Elizabeth, too intensely, and with every fiber of his being, but he couldn't further weaken himself under her control of his own senses. Even now she had power over him, his deep green eyes diverting to the section of the mirror showing the empty open shower door where he saw her translucent trembling figure being drenched underneath the cool water of the shower head.

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