Disappointed Expectations

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"Eat, Elizabeth." he said, his eyes nodding to her plate as a sigh erupted from his throat as she firmly crossed her arms in response indicating that she was not inclined to do so.

"I'm not hungry." one of her arms quickly moving to push her plate further away from her on the table before immediately returning to its fold.

"Are we really going to do this?" he rolled his dark green eyes showing no hopes of lightening in the near future, as he leaned back in his seat feeling as if they had been here multiple times before, and having no desire to entertain its repetition.

"I'm not doing anything." she said back sharply.

"Obviously." he dead panned.

After a few moments of their quiet locked stares, their waiter arrived to the table. "Is there something wrong with your meal?" He looked back in-between the plates and between Jason and Elizabeth's demeanor, she holding a stiff posture and him a dark stare.

"My wife is on her period, it tends to make her emotional." he said staring her dead in the face and watching her cheeks redden in embarrassment at his blunt words. His dark eyes leaving her face to slowly trail over to the male who also looked uncomfortable himself. "You can box her food, as well as mine. I'll take the check."

"Of course." the waiter gave a rapid nod before grabbing the plates and quickly taking his leave, thankful to get away from the awkwardness between the two patrons.

"Take me home." she said behind her own gritted teeth in a low tone.

"I'd be delighted." he said his deep voice being laced with a hint of honesty, indicating that was what he wanted, but clearly knowing that was not what she meant.

"Your parents home." she clarified.

"Of course." he said not raising his eyes from his phone, clearly knowing there was no true reason she needed to clarify.


The car ride was silent, neither one of them saying a word to one another, the only vitality present was Elizabeth's struggling attempt to remove his hand from hers. He had laced his fingers in her hand, and held a firm grip as she attempted to pull and pry her own from his hold, he showing no indications that he was even aware of her actions, his thumb smoothly rubbing  over the back of her hand. She eventually gave up her efforts, having been down this road with Jason before, if he didn't want to release her hand, he wouldn't, and there was no point for her to continue to waste her energy fighting him on the matter.

Twenty minutes into the drive, long after her struggle against his hand had stopped  and he benefitted from the soothing sensations provided from their skin to skin contact, his eyes started to lighten in the smallest flicker of a shade. He was still angry, and he was still hurt, but he did not want to continue down this path with her. His immediate response was to flair up, he had a hot flash temper and it did not mesh well with her smart ass mouth, which seemed to only get sharper with her time spent with his mother.  However, he knew if they kept winding each other up, that it would only hurt them both further in the long run and so he was choosing to walk away from it.

"You have a doctors appointment in three days, to take labs and see where your hormone levels are." he said abruptly not looking at her. "I believe they have declined, but we will need to test just to confirm." his voice very blank, almost monotone. "At the appointment, we'll ask for you to be put on birth control. There is an injection you can administer in your bicep every three months to prevent unwanted pregnancy. I'll help you with the injections if you're unable to do it yourself." he slowly blinked. He knowing about the the various options only due to Amber being his long time side piece, and him ensuring he injected her himself on time every three months in order to maintain a carefree sexual relationship with her.  Having learned from his mothers pregnancy resulting in him and not wanting his first born to be wasted on someone he did not love.

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