So What's The Game Plan?

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The large blue pick up truck rumbled loudly four cars behind the black SUV, its lifted frame making it easy to keep track of the vehicle as it winded down the main highway leading outside of town. One by one, the cars separating them began to take turns off of the main highway, whether it be in pursuit of poorly maintained dusty roads leading to homes tucked away in the woods or down state maintained roads leading to additional avenues of entertainment.

Jason was considerably annoyed being within the contents of this attention grabbing monstrosity his Beta so lovingly named Eleanor.

It was about the furthest thing from being covert, and left zero room for stealth.

The ride was for the most part silent after Jason had aggressively interrogated the terrified Travis about every minute detail of his encounter with the she-wolf and her elusive scent. His green eyes stared intently forward, hammering down on the vehicle as if he was willing himself to have x-ray vision and was inherently able to adopt external supernatural forces, enabling himself to see what she looked like.

The only current benefit that came with his excellent visual acuity was that he managed to get the license plate information earlier on in the trip, and forwarded it immediately in text over to his IT department. The Pennsylvania plate was being run, and the information would be coming back any minute now. Soon he would have the name of its owner along with every driving infraction and legal document attached to that persons name. He would have more than enough information to know who he was dealing with, before he dealt with them... or more pointedly her.

As a direct result from his sudden order for the complete historical information of the individual he was currently following, he had to quickly stifle concerned texts from his Master Beta Jacob, who no doubt began prepping for the worst. Suspecting a security concern in regards to the pack. Quelling him immediately with a brief description, highlighting the chain of events that lead him to committing a felony by stalking the young woman.

The SUV slowed and the right turn signal began to blink right before it made a slow glide heading into the entrance of the state forest campground. His back straightening and his eyes growing narrower as his Beta crawled to a stop a little before the entry road, utilizing the trees lined on the side to obscure the truck from view.

Mark,himself knew better than to roll up directly behind her and bring attention to themselves within the large vehicle which would have been impossible to ignore.

"What's the plan?" Mark quickly looked over, waiting for the next clear order, preferring to not act on his own instinct in recognition of the sensitive nature surrounding this matter.

Before Jason could breath out the next order, his phone rang and he silenced the very heartbeats in the body of the large truck with a single index finger being straightened into the air even the truck seemed to lower its rumble at a lower decimal, "What do you have for me?" his voice sharp and concise clearly showing his desire for brevity.

"More than enough." Brandon responded across the line. "The car is registered to Dominick Sabatorri. Married to Shelly Sabatorri, no children through birth, but adoption records showing an Elizabeth Sabatorri, formerly Elizabeth Reugar. Home address falls within the Pine Crest pack located in Northwestern Pennsylvania. I'm sure you're already aware he is the designated Master Beta of the pack, falling under Alpha Ryan."

"Is Beta Dominick with her now?" he inquired more so out of curiosity, not due to any real concern.

Beta's could be just as temperamental as Alphas, but in all reality Alpha Jason had the right to stake claim to the Beta's daughter and there was nothing he could do about it, unless he wanted to risk the possibility of both packs heading into a violent war. The reality being that a brutal war undoubtedly would occur, if the Beta attempted to interfere and prohibit the match from forming.

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