A Blonde, A Brunette and a Red Head Walked Into a Bar...

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"I have to go to the bathroom." She whispered as she turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck standing on her tippy toes so her lips were closer to his head which was already leaning down to listen. "I need to clean up." Her voice a little lower as she tried to accentuate her words without outright saying it.

He smirked in response and rubbed at her back gently before giving her a firm squeeze, he still very much needing his release after her little show. "Let's go upstairs." He whispered back.

"No. I'm not going upstairs. There's a bathroom right over there. God forbid Mark is in our suite, I'm not gonna walk in there smelling like this with you following me with your puffed up chest and that obnoxious grin on your face." She said with an eye roll as she nodded towards the bathroom, knowing him by now and how he liked to gloat with male pride after he effectively provided her with a release.

"I doubt he'll be back. Besides, we could always-" he began to suggest with a twinkle in his eyes before he was immediately cut off by her sternness.

"Don't even think about it, Jason." She said as if sounding like a broken record as she had said these words numerous times, sometimes multiple times a day, but in this moment he knew she was serious.

"Joykill." He sighed out before nodding towards the direction of the bathroom with clear disappointment in his eyes. "Let's go." He turning her around and walked closely behind her with a hand on her hip as they made their way through the crowd.

Luckily, there currently wasn't a line so he let her go through the door and waited in the hallway across from it with a foot propped against the wall and his eyes focused on his phone as he idly passed the time waiting for her to clean up. She quickly headed to a stall sliding her dress up and the sinful panties down and tried her best to wipe her excitement away, also taking the time to release the contents of her bladder which she would soon be refilling once they got back upstairs. When she was done utilizing the stall she headed over to the sink to wash her hands and then decompress with a wet cold paper towel against the back of her neck and in between her breasts as an attempt to cool her flushed body.

Meanwhile, a gaggle of three girls laughing in a drunk manner came down the hall towards the bathroom, one of them honing their eyes on Jason and briefly mentioning to the other one's that she wouldn't be utilizing the restroom in a whisper and that she would be waiting outside for them, his ears picking up the whisper and an internal sigh forming as he continued to stare at his phone.

"Hi." The tall brunette said approaching him, while a finger twirled in her hair.

"Hi." He said back blankly as he continued to stare at his phone.

"I'm Rebecca." She said taking a spot next to him against the wall and he just nodded to let her know she was heard.


The other two girls had now stumbled into the restroom energetically laughing about something stupid one of them said, Elizabeth turning her head towards their cackling commotion before returning to her appearance in the mirror after discarding the wet paper towel in the trash.

"Luna! We've been looking all over for you!" The red head said energetically in Elizabeth's direction, her head snapping over at the word Luna and confusion laced on her face. "Oh, I'm sorry! Wrong person." The red head said with a dismissive hand wave as she stumbled over to the sink beside Elizabeth and began to clean up her makeup with her fingers. "You look like our friend. She has gone missing and I think we've had too much to drink." She said with a sheepish grin and a shake of her head.

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