Thank You

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"Alpha." Mark said in caution, addressing him by his title, which was very atypical for him to do so, unless there was an situation that required a more serious demeanor.

"Mark. I'm fine. Trust me." He stated back in complete sincerity.

"And, Elizabeth?" He questioned trying to garner the entirety of the situation present.

"She is more than fine. She just needs rest." He said back firmly.

"Jason." Mark proceeded with caution.
"Is it a possibility she is with child? Baring a pup?"

"Is it?" Cane now stepped in with his own gruff voice. Very direct, very matter of fact. He obviously recognized the change in her demeanor as well.

"It's unlikely." The alpha stated in brevity.

"When did the birth control efforts stop?" Mark questioned as if in idle curiosity, using caution in his words, as it was a sore subject for Jason.

"She had been protected, without me.'s probably been a little over a month." Jason said, he himself, trying to recall the timeline of her last shot.

"Jason.. she's exceptionally aggressive. She's exceptionally tired, despite your frolicking through the woods earlier. Maybe she should take a test. Perhaps, it may show that you had not entirely acted out of line." Mark said in complete sincerity. "Remember, Sam started being a bitch within the first couple of weeks." The beta said as if he had no blame for his mates behavior. He being the only one who was allowed to call her such a name.

She had been fighting back more than usual. She had also experienced an increase of hunger. Waking him up frequently as she descended down the steps for a midnight snack. Did this mean that she was actively pregnant? His increase of aggression would correspond with that. A she-wolfs pregnancy was five months compared to a humans nine months incubation which meant hormones would ramp up much quicker in comparison.

"It's doubtful." He said firmly, but his gears began to start to spinning in his head, now that they were beginning to point out a change in her demeanor he had not recognized himself. The change he loved and loathed at the same time.

"But, it's possible." Mark said back quickly. He had already gone down this route with Samantha.

"Can you go pick up a test?" Jason asked in distracted thought directed towards Mark, which surprised the betas as it was a request and not a command.

"Yeah, sure . I think we have a couple unused applicators." He said reaching into his back pocket and pulling out two rectangular foil lined packs. He had came back prepared.

Elizabeth was a strong woman on her own, but the way she had been butting head to head against Jason lately, was reflective of a personality change. She had been through a war. She was an active participant in that war, but that was not her. It was very clear she had been overrun, which is why she was very deeply hurt by Jason's insinuating words. However, she herself never, displayed such a high defiance to his word.

In fact, she was actively engaging with him. And, for the most part, he was actively relenting to her will. There was a shift in power, that he himself, did not recognize.

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