Happily Ever After

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Elizabeth's eyebrows began to furrow in response to her throbbing head which was volatile enough to wake her up from her apparent deep sleep. Her heavy lids flickering open almost invoking a hissing sound from her lips as the bright light of the day assaulted her hazel eyes, prodding her to wince in reaction.

She was nuzzled under a large thick white blanket whose material was so soft and welcoming, it practically encouraged the victims within its folds to give up on life and exist only within its touch. The bed was even more comfortable, it seemed to be made for her, molding to her form and giving her proper support in all the right places. The pillows beneath her head absorbing her in a warm caressive embrace. Never had she ever been so uncomfortably comfortable, the pounding of her head ruining the moment, and the IV in her arm irritating the inside of her elbow with the sticky tape... Wait, what the fuck? Why is there an IV in her arm!?

Her eyes flew open as she ripped the heavy blanket off her in order to inspect the tubing attached to her arm, her eyes following it all the way up to a near empty bag of saline. What happened last night? She was fine, and then apparently she wasn't all within a flash. The last thing she remembers was being in Jason's car, his voice becoming distorted, and then trying to tell him to turn around.

Oh. My. God. He date raped her. This was exactly what Uncle Dominick had tried to tell her about men and why she shouldn't trust them. They were only interested in one thing when it came to women, and apparently would go to any lengths to get it. This guys method was drugging her.

Panic began to set in as she sat up quickly, a sharp pain erupting at both temples, forcing her to raise her hand to her forehead and massage at it quickly. She needed to get the hell out of here, wherever here was.

She could practically feel her high boned cheeks burning a fervent red from the extreme emotions that were brewing within her, everything from pure anger to helpless desperation, no negative mood going untouched. Placing her bare feet on the floor she took note that she was not even in her own clothes, she was wearing a pair of boxer briefs and a large white t-shirt, which smelled divine. Almost as if mint and eucalyptus met and had a baby, creating a soothing fresh scent. It was distracting, but not enough of a distraction for her to begin to rip away the tape surrounding the IV, wincing as it ripped her arm hair along with it. Eventually getting to the needle and removing it, quickly covering the open wound with her bare hand, clearly not giving a shit about the risk of infection at the moment.

"Fuck me. Fuck me. God dammit Elizabeth. What the hell did you get yourself into?" she whispered to herself as she looked around the large bedroom which was very elegantly styled, with accent chairs of navy blue and gold and neatly polished dark wood furnishings distributed throughout. It was meticulously clean and everything seemed to have its own place, and she was now bleeding on the wood flooring of the immaculate bedroom.

She quickly shuffled over to the first door she saw and opened it, coming face to face with a large walk in closet, impeccably organized and showing the good taste in the owner's style. The next door she rushed to, lead her into a large bathroom with a stand alone shower, and a jetted garden bath, his and her sinks and the obvious toilet which even seemed impressive. Running to the next door, left her exasperated as she saw another closet, barren of clothing and looking out of place in comparison to the rest of the room. What the fuck?! How was she going to get out of here?!

There was only one door left to try and she lunged towards it as she was being overrun with fear, jiggling the handle and producing no result in gaining entry to the other side. Shit. Suddenly she turned around and saw the large sliding glass door that permitted entrance to the balcony. She ran over and slammed it open, stepping out onto the large balcony and running over to the railing, looking for an escape route down.

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