Home Sweet Home

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"Alpha, as expected your hormone levels have been affected in response to your mates. Since her hormones rose so rapidly, yours have experienced a rapid increase as well. You'll be subject to becoming easily agitated, you may experience extreme mood swings, and feel excessively possessive and protective of your mate during this time.
Due to these side effects, I am prescribing some medication for you to help stabilize your mood until your hormones have caught up and level off. We don't want to you to make any rash decisions due to a physiological imbalance, so it is important that you do take the medication. It won't dampen your senses or strength, it will just help you manage your emotions and give you more control of them during this time.

Her labs from this morning reflect no dramatic change since yesterday, so we're hoping it's pace has slowed and that they rise in a normal manner moving forward as she gets closer to the cycle. I am providing two additional prescriptions, one for each of you to aid during her heat incase the mating process is not completed. These medications are to help curb both, yours and hers, emotions if they become too extreme during the three weeks. This will be a lighter dose for you than the initial one I'm prescribing. If possible, I highly suggest that the mating takes place as soon as possible to provide you both with relief allowing you to return to your baselines.

I want to see Miss. Sabatorri for a follow up in one week where we can draw new labs and keep an eye out for any fluctuations since she is at a possible risk for a potential shift. Ensure you're keeping a watchful eye for any precursors as she should be admitted as soon as possible if any of them develop.
Do you have any questions for me?" the head doctor of the hospital Dr. Hamilton asked after he detailed his review of Elizabeth's and Jason's files.

"When will she be discharged?" the Alpha questioned as if this was the only singular thought in his mind at present.

"Her arm seems to be healing, but at a slow pace. I am prescribing some oral antibiotics for her and sending you home with some sterile materials so that you can change out her dressing every other day as you inspect it. I feel that she can tolerate being sent home, so she will be prepped for discharge and you can leave in the next twenty minutes or so. Only after all medications are picked up from the pharmacy." the physician finished sternly looking in-between the Beta and the Alpha.

"On it. I'll go now." Mark said as he stood from the leather seat in the doctor's office and disappeared behind the doorway.

"Alpha, before you leave... If she seems to exhibit any signs of mental distress, I suggest you take them seriously and return her for an evaluation." Dr. Hamilton peered into the Alphas eyes as he placed a heavy tone on the suggestion.

"She will be fine. She will be with me. Thank you for your concern." Jason said as he stood up and left the office without another word.


"Well... this is nice." Mark said sitting in the middle of the SUVs back seat, his hands placed on both the driver and passenger seats captain chair backrests as he leaned forward. The car ride was awkwardly silent and he felt the need to break it.

"Are we going to the pack house today?" Elizabeth looked over to Jason as he stared forward lost in thought.

"No. I'll be working from home today and you need to get as much rest as possible to aid your healing." Jason's response contained a firm brevity, as if he had been planning today's events the entire drive and decided right at this point with a clear decision.

"Did you find out if Joseph is okay?" She asked, her head turning to look at him as he focused on the drive, both of his hands on the wheel and not having his usual casual driving pose.

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