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Her coffee went cold, and the food for the most part untouched save for the piece of bacon she lightly nipped at due to his penetrating stare. She most definitely was not taking whatever pills he was trying to give her. An hour had passed since their frenzied moment, he stared at her the entire time, and she stared at the wall behind him.

This was most definitely not how he had wanted things to go, he knew it wouldn't be pretty when she woke, but he didn't anticipate having to physically put his hands on her to stop her from harming herself. A sigh erupted from his chest, as he shifted in the chair before rising to his feet. This sudden change is position drawing her eyes to his form, watching him with baited breath and a dreadful anticipation on what he was going to do next.

Walking away from her, she took note of his tattoo for the first time, the large dragon illustrated with impressive detail in a perfect shadowing gray scale, serpentining over most of the skin of his back. It was terrifying how well that dragon defined his temperament, an elusive beast known for causing destruction in the wake of its path. Very fitting.

She watched as he walked into the large bathroom, and took note of the shower beginning to run, hearing bottles being shifted around and other items being moved around within the room. He reappeared with his razor and a pack of blade refills in hand disappearing into the filled closet for a moment, where more shuffling of items could be heard, and then again popping back into her field of vision empty handed. Choosing to remove them from accessibility for both his and her own safety.

"I started the shower, test the temperature before you get in, I tend to like it hot. There are towels by the sink." It wasn't a question, and she had a feeling that her days with freedom of choice were now over, just as soon as they began. "Go." his thumb pointed back over his shoulder, signaling her to move.

"I don't have clothes..." she said in a very low tone, just above a whisper. Her eyes falling back down to the ground.

"Your bags and dog will be here shortly. You'll have something to change into by the time you come out." he replied, his eyes staring at the wall to his left, frustration bubbling inside him as he was trying to now mitigate the damage from earlier.

"You brought Shelby?" her eyes now rising to look him directly in the face, a small glimmer of hope briefly flashing.

"Of course, I'm not a monster." he said, looking back at her in slight surprise as if the notion of abandoning her dog in the cabin, leaving the animal to fend for herself was unfathomable. He may have kidnapped her, and even threw her across a room, but he wasn't a complete dick.

"...Thank you." she said softly, slowly rising to her feet and taking small steps to the bathroom, side stepping as she got closer to him, trying to keep an arm's length away in distance. Getting to the door and briefly looking back to see if he was going to stop her from closing it, and thanking God that he just chose to walk away, back towards the sliding glass door.

Keeping his back to her as he put his hands in his pockets and looked out once more to the landscape. He began to mull over possible options available to improve the mood. The more time they spent together, the stronger the bonds hold would get, but the current strain was eating at him. Sex would most certainly be off the table until he found a way to rectify this matter. Fuck.

The intercom near the door to the hallway chimed, and took him out of his thoughts for the moment. He walked over to it and tapped the first button on the top left, prompting a video feed to pop up showing that his Beta Mark was standing at the front door. "Hey Alpha. Safe to come in? Not interrupting anything am I?" he said with an exaggerated eyebrow wriggle.

"Quite the opposite. Do you have her things?" he questioned, trying to damper down the annoyance in his tone, but only minutely.

"Her bags, her dog, the maid and the chef. I'll be up in a minute." he quickly replied before Jason cut off the video feed and headed back to his previous seat in front of the still filled tray of food, opting to drink her now cold cup of coffee out of sheer laziness and lack of desire in going to get another one. She wasn't drinking it anyway, probably being convinced that it was tainted in some way.

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