Your Color Lacks Conviction

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"So what is your favorite color?" she asked abruptly, looking over to the large man as he drove towards the town, an attempt at making conversation to break the ice and get to know the person who she randomly decided to jump in a car with in a rare show of blind trust.

It was the typical first question anyone asked in a "get to know you" conversation and he found it extremely cute. Everything about her was adorable to him.

His deep green eyes flickered over in brief amusement, not failing to notice her collar bone which produced just enough of a gap to form between her shirt and the skin of her shoulder allowing him to see the color of her bra strap. Something which he quickly looked away from, not wanting to come off as a pervert, his eyes falling back on the road.

"Well at present.. If i thought about it. Probably hot pink." his voice as smooth as melted chocolate spilling over a fountain waiting for treats to dunk in its waterfalls.

"Hot pink?" she said with an arched eyebrow and a shocked tone. "I've never met a man who liked hot pink." the disbelief in her voice evident and she emitted a small laugh.

"Well, it's the color I like most right now." he said with a shrug of his shoulders, defending his choice in a clearly amused manner.

"So your favorite color changes?" she questioned, for some reason interested.

"Yes, I would say so. It changes depending on the mood I'm in or the moment." he shifted further back into the large seat, one long arm allowing his wrist to sit on the steering wheel in order to direct the massive vehicle,  his left leg extended in a relaxed position while his right still remained bent to control the gas pedal and the brakes.

"Oh that's very concerning." she said in a joking manner. "That makes me question your character sir." her voice feigning mock sincerity.

"Does it now? How does my response bring up cause for concern in regards to my character?" his eyebrow was now the one quipped, as his eyes met hers again for a brief moment before going back to the roads.

"Well, if one can't commit to a matter as insignificant as a color, what else can't they commit to?" she said using her hands to accentuate her words with quizzical movement. "Maybe you can't keep a job, maybe you're a flaky friend or a serial playboy who strings women along!" she said pondering amusedly out loud.

"And you derived all of this speculation based on my shifting choice of favorite color?" he said after admitting a laugh at the absurdity of her leaps in such a minor thing. This no doubt being a uniform trait across all women.

"Yes. In fact, I am so concerned, I'm going to believe that you're all three." she said with a teasing nod and her arms crossing infront of her.

"Wow, you're certainly judgemental. What makes you so high and mighty?" he questioned back as the vehicle began to slow at the first red light letting them know they were about to cross into the towns limits.

"Well I've thoroughly studied the matter." she responded quickly with a smile, pretty proud of herself for the confidence and humor she was showing in front of him.

"Oh you have, have you?" he said questioningly, with a nod and a purse of his lips as if pondering her expertise. "That makes perfect sense... Well, if you're such an expert in this realm, you can tell me what your favorite color is so that I can derive some pointed details about you." His head turning so that he could face her as they remained suspended at the red light, cocking it to the side in an over the top expecting manner dripping with sarcasm.

"Absolutely. My favorite color is mint green. Very specific and highly detailed." she said back confidently, using a hand to motion towards the change to the green light, to which the vehicle resumed.

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