More Chocolate Please

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It seemed like an eternity to Jason before the blonde had satisfied her fill with the outside time. He watched her from the window with such an intensity that had he stared any harder the glass would have melted into a boiling liquefied state. She didn't look like she even had the thought of running in his absence, but that could have also been influenced by the presence of a large gray wolf that stepped out of the wooded clearing and sat on its hindlegs watching her intently as a reminder to her that she was truly not alone.

After about fifteen minutes time, Elizabeth made her way into the home due to the urging of an empty stomach. As her stomach rumbled, her hunger became ravenous. She felt as if she was starving, and that she could literally eat a horse. Jason had met her by the front door, leaving the window as she climbed the steps to the home so that he could greet her upon her entrance. Mark was already seated at the long table shoving food into his mouth as if he was a hoover vacuum, manners not being a concern to him at the moment.

"Let's get you something to eat." Jason said with his hand extended to hers, she grabbed it with a nod and he pulled her over to the table and sat her at her usual seat pushing her chair in before taking his. "Do you not eat at home?" his eyebrow twitched in annoyance over to the Beta who was destroying a stack of syrup drizzled pancakes savagely. Mark taking huge proportions into his mouth with each bite.

"What!?" Mark muffled his word behind a full mouth of pancake, chewing it rapidly to further respond. "It tastes better when someone else makes it." he stated with a shrug as he downed some orange juice. "Is this fucking fresh squeezed orange juice? God damn, I need a cook." he said with a headshake before he delved back into his plate.

Elizabeth only laughed again in reaction to Mark's inherently funny nature. Her plate being taken away from her by Jason as he began to fill it with pancakes, sausage and eggs, finishing the plate off with an adequate pour of syrup over the flapjacks.

"Thank you." she said with a smile as she looked down at the plate in anticipation. "Do you have chocolate chips?"

Her question received an arch of an eyebrow from Jason as he was not used to her asking for any modifications of the food. Not that it bothered him, but it interested him slightly, he thought perhaps she was getting more comfortable with their arrangement. "I don't know what Mary has purchased, I don't usually keep sweets on hand." he said, his eyes flickering over to the door as it opened and the cook made her way out to the table.

"We do have some." she said with a smile. "Should I make some new pancakes with them in it?" her frame approached the table where she stopped.

"Oh no. I'll just put them on top, they're still hot. They'll melt." Elizabeth said quickly, not wanting to add extra work to the woman's load.

"Are you sure?" the cook said walking away from the table into the kitchen.

"Yes, positive." she said back even quicker so that the woman was not tempted to do so anyway.

"Okay." Mary said as she disappeared in the kitchens large pantry, and she shuffled around for a few moments before coming out with a bag of milk chocolate morsels. She opened the cupboard and pulled out a small clear bowl and dumped some of the chips into it before she walked back over to the table and placed it to the side of Elizabeth's plate.

"Thank you so much." she said with a soft smile, before the cook departed back to her room.

Elizabeth's right hand delved into the dish where she began to heavily layer the chocolate in-between pancakes so that they would get nice and melty from the heat within them. When she was finished layering the chocolate she took a small handful and popped it into her mouth closing her eyes as she savored the flavor.

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