The Alphas Best Friend

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"I finally got a chance to talk to her. It took about an hour for her to say anything, she was so angry. She said he told her she was a mistake and that he made a bad judgement call or something along those lines." Catherine said over the phone as Adolphus sat by himself at the long dining room table, having dismissed all the pack staff in the home for the remainder of the day after seeing Jacob out, who took the German Shephard with him. "She said he told her she was needy, or clingy, something like that, it was hard for her to stay on track in keeping one consistent thought. She told me she slapped him, she hurting her hand in the process... Nothing too serious, the warm cup of tea I gave her soothed it."

"Where is she now?" Adolphus questioned quietly keeping his volume extremely low, not wanting Jason to overhear him referring to Elizabeth.

"I made her lie down about an hour ago. I just checked in on her and she's sleeping, I think she's thoroughly exhausted." Catherine said as she tapped her fingers idly on the kitchen countertop. "How is Jason?" Her concern for her son still weighing very heavy on her chest, as she was unable to see his condition herself.

"Well, he did some redecorating in his room earlier. He's drinking pretty heavily, but all's quiet at the moment." Adolphus said, his knuckles rapping on the wood of the table so as to not jinx himself. "Marks on his way over to see if he can get him out of his room. He was having none of Jacob and me."

"Should I come over and try to talk to him?" She questioned quickly, wanting to just see him  for herself and make sure he would at-least, eventually be okay. Her heart was breaking for her son who was so clearly under an immense upset, something so foreign to his usual character.

"No, Catherine." Adolphus said very firmly in response to her question almost as soon as she asked it. "He is not in a good mind state right now. He's not thinking rationally... I don't want you over here in case he lashes out."

"I'm his mother." She said back in argument, obviously in disbelief that her son would take out his emotions on her in a way that would cause concern for harm.

"Like I just said, he is not thinking rationally. His thoughts are very distorted right now, he's said some concerning things, and I don't want you here right now." He spoke very clearly and firmly, his tone carrying a concealed command as his words ended.

"What has he said?" She asked quickly, wanting to get insights on Jason's current psyche, feeling her own overwhelming upset in being told she couldn't see her own child.

"It does not matter, they're not rational thoughts. Just know that you're not to come here. That's final." His pointer finger pressed firmly down on the table indicating his seriousness on the matter, Him doing so despite her not being able to see it. She couldn't see his body language, but she could feel the warning in his tone and how it controlled her body movement, knowing she would be unable to ignore his firmly stated words.

"Fine, Adolphus. But I want you to keep me updated." She said back quietly, verbally signaling to him that she was relenting to his carefully structured sentences.

Her mate became momentarily distracted as Mark entered through the front door carrying a six pack of beer with him. "I've got to go. Mark's here." He said hanging up the phone, and looking over to Mark who was heading in the direction of the stairs. "He's in his room, and he doesn't need that, trust me." Adolphus said in warning against casually giving Jason more alcohol.

"I know where he is, and this" Mark said without looking back but lifting the pack a bit higher. "-is for me."  The  beta now climbing the stairs, skipping a few steps in-between with long strides.

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