Did He...?

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In the ten minutes it took Elizabeth to shower, combined with the additional five minutes to get rapidly changed into a sundress and sandals, Jason had berated every single one of his Betas by phone call for not informing him of Alpha Ryan's sons name.

Jacob attempted to soothe the rage inside Jason by stating he was able to finally gain access to her phone records, trying to divert his furious Alphas attention by transmitting the files to him by email.

However, this only resulted in him shattering a lamp against a wall, when he saw the report detailing the dozens of phone calls and hundreds of texts in the file that exclusively existed between Alex and Elizabeth.

The winking emojis and little hearts sent back and forth between them resulting in an irrational fury filled jealousy, and a burning fire within him with deep seeded hatred for the audacity this man had for wanting to come into his home under the guise of a learning experience. It didn't matter if all these calls and texts occurred before he even met her, all that mattered was that they did occur and he was privy to that.

Poor Claire knew she would have another room to attend to, as she heard the havoc being reaped across the hall in his study while she attended to the bedroom, as Elizabeth and Jason were otherwise occupied. Knowing full well that in his fifteen minute meltdown, he did a lot more damage than the young woman did in two hours. She would be earning herself some overtime, and would be talking to Beta Mark about potential hazard pay. Most assuredly.

Jason had finally collected himself enough to cross the hallway, using the key to enter the bedroom with a stoney expression on his face and rigid broad shoulders. Never in his life had he been so out of control of his own emotions, the ups and downs of the last twenty-four hours were only further infuriating and absolutely exhausting.

He walked past both women, Elizabeth looking between him and Claire as the maid walked around continuing to pick up items, seemingly oblivious of his entry. Though, as soon as Claire was able, she gave a slight head shake behind his back and pressed her finger to her lips indicating silently it was best that Elizabeth did not speak at the moment.

The bathroom door slammed behind Jason and the sound of the shower running was enough to let a shocked Elizabeth exhale a long breath, clearly being unaware of what pissed him off this time. He left in a bad mood and returned even more livid.

"What was that?" she whispered as she walked slowly towards the maid, who was still busying herself cleaning up the articles of clothing from the floor.

"Shhhh, dear. He'll hear you." Claire whispered back to her in an even lower tone, and then immediately began humming as she continued about her business. Making it very clear that she would not be discussing anything with Elizabeth, as she minded her own self and did not involve herself in the lives of others , especially not his.

Elizabeth took a seat on the bed and watched the older woman walk around the bedroom, knowing she should be helping her, but being conflicted and overwhelmed in her own emotions from the day that she was unable to will herself to do so. She snapped out of her fog as the sound of the shower ceased, immediately followed by the jingle of keys and Claire slipping out the door to make herself useful in the study.

Jason emerged from the steamed bathroom with just a towel around his hips, his hair already slicked back in a tight slightly damp bun, having given it only a quick towel dry. He didn't even look in her direction at first, but moreso acted as if she was non-existent, grabbing a pair of his clean boxer briefs from the floor before ripping the towel off and discarding it in its place as if he traded them. Elizabeth turning her head away in embarrassment but not before seeing him in all his glory.

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