A Heavy Burden

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Followed by his betas, Jason led Elizabeth out of the pack house wearing only his suit jacket to cover her body from prying eyes, the two did garner curious stares as the pack leaders who were once at a very public hostile impasse, were now walking in close proximity together not even leaving an inch of space between their forms. He had wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gripped at her bicep tightly, a unrelenting nervousness in his chest that she could revert back at any moment and once again lose her control. Therefor, he felt the need to keep himself in constant physical contact with her, in order to be a support to her and help with her hold over her own person.

The sensations provided through their physical touch were overwhelming to the both of them. Elizabeth's demeanor had calmed and with the energy spent by both her and the other within, she appeared to be fatigued to the point of sedation. It was also apparent that she still felt the ramifications of Jason's actions against her body when she was not consciously present. Jason on the other hand maintained his hard face, all the while his heart hammered within the depths of his chest and all his muscles tensed into rigidity at the anxious excitement he felt with her being in his arms again. Neither of them spoke, as neither of them had words to say in light of the situation they had precariously found themselves in.

When they approached the rental SUV, Jason opened the back passenger door and deposited her gently in the center seat, taking the precaution to buckle her himself before he slid in beside her. Mark took the seat on the other side of her, Cane took the drivers seat and Jacob took the front passenger seat. It was clear the uneasiness was still thick in the air among the men as the young blonde slumped against Jason's upper body, his arm wrapped around her shoulders once more.

"Miss. Elizabeth, it is so good to have you back." Jacob said, turning his head around to look at the tired young woman tightly enveloped in the Alpha's hold. "Shaded Mountain has not been the same in your absence. The pack will be excited for your eventual return." he said with a soft smile in his usual even tone.

"Thank you Jacob..." she said quietly, not meeting his gaze as she stared at the back of his seat.

"I hope you don't mind my asking a favor of you." he said to her cautiously, as he pulled out a bottle of pills from the glove box. "But we have all reached an agreement and think its best that you take something in order to further aid you with your current challenges. In the past, it seemed to have helped quell any unwanted urges, and given our current situation, I think it's best we utilize what we know works."

"I figured." her voice still soft as she had no reaction to the want for her to take a sedative. In all honesty, she had no clear feelings regarding the matter either way. On one hand, she did not like the previous times she had been sedated. On the other hand, she did not want to go back to where she had just come from.

"It's for the best, Elizabeth." Jason said with a nod, giving her arm a quick squeeze before he began to rub it soothingly. "Just until we get it all sorted out."

"We decided to start you off on a half dose, and see how you fair." Jacob said twisting the lid off the rattling bottle before sifting for a pill already halved. Once one was located he turned his upper body around and held it out with a flat palm. "Here you are Miss. Elizabeth. There's a bottle of water in the cup holder by your feet." He said gently, watching her carefully as her eyes made contact with the medicine and it was plucked slowly from his hand with a precise grip of her thumb and pointer finger.

Four sets of eyes, one set through the drivers rear view mirror, watched her place it in her mouth. Mark had reached down and opened the bottle of water for her so it could be swallowed immediately. A satisfied smile formed on Jacobs face as he watched her wash the pill down.

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