Mr. Sensitive

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They were once again in the back of the limo, but this time it was a very different scenario between the couple, that had seemed to almost exclusively unfold for Marks entertainment as he sat across from them. Jason leaned in to try to slip kisses on her neck, she would lean away and turn her head. He tried to slide his hand gently into the skirt of the dress so he could delicately caress the skin of her thighs, she crossed her legs tightly. He gripped her chin to plant a kiss on her lips and she kept them tightly closed to not allow further progress.

Mark found their back and forth very amusing, never seeing his friend struggle so much to entice a woman. She seemed to have a steel reserve when she wanted to hold out, and clearly that's what she was doing now.

All the while moving her body in an alluring manner of ultimate femininity at the most basic of actions. The way she stretched her arms up and her chest popped out as her head tilted accentuating her neck with closed eyelids, or the way she sat in boredom with an elbow propped on her crossed legs with fingernails gently caressing at her plump red stained lower lip. Jason was thoroughly annoyed and she looked rather aloof, as if she was unaware of how she was frustrating him.

He ended up abruptly ripping her from the spot next to him and depositing her across his lap, his jaw still tense as he looked out the window in annoyance. One arm wrapped snuggly around her hips and the other running circular motions on the material of her dress right above her knee, these being necessary actions to quell his annoyance. She didn't struggle, there was no point. However, she was determined that he wouldn't be getting any further than that, which became evident as his fingers began to tease at the hem of her skirt trying to slowly make their way underneath the material, being quick halted and pushed away. 

"Please, stop being this way." He whispered into her ear very quietly in the softest voice, as his arm tensed around her hips and he smelled at her hair deeply. "I'm allowed to be proud of you, and want to show you off." His words flowing out to her, ever so gently in a pleading tone before he began to nuzzle his nose against her neck affectionately, he effectively disarming her as she sighed and leaned the side of her body against his chest as he planted kisses against her neck. Jason's hand now slipping only slightly up the gap of the skirt to rest his hand on the middle of inner thigh. A smirk erupting on his face signaling he had won, not going unnoticed by Mark who smirked himself at how well the two played each other. The beta beginning to think the whole mate thing might not be too bad after all the kinks were worked out.


Jason led Elizabeth into the restaurant by hand as Mark followed in tow. He spoke at the podium signaling their arrival to the maitre-d who promptly led them through the lavish restaurant with soft chatter, low lighting and an obvious air of aristocracy. They were led into a private room where six gentlemen and an older woman were already sat.

Everyone stood to greet the three, firm nods and handshakes were given to both Jason and Mark, and affectionate remarks on her beauty with softer handshakes were delivered to Elizabeth. Each mans eyes lingered for a moment on hers and they all at one pointed scoured her form while she was otherwise distracted by another. The older woman gave the gentlest handshake and the warmest smile to all three of them.

As Jason was pulling out the chair next to him to deposit Elizabeth beside him, he was paused by the older woman who went by Norma.

"Mr. Stone, might I tempt your beautiful fiancé to sit by me." Her hand gesturing to an unoccupied chair next to her own placement. "The three of us," she gestured to her grandson Alex, and her nephew Bryan who were similar in age to Elizabeth maybe a few years older, "have no real affiliation to this meeting and she may more enjoy her time spent with us."

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