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Jason led Elizabeth into the pack house with haste, her scent clearly depicting her readiness was more than enticing and he felt the need to shower quickly before her interest dwindled. He pulled her along as they ascended the first flight of stairs within the large mansion, the duo once again catching stares. 

He was sweaty and dirty from the training session and she was the opposite, looking demure and beautiful in an all white outfit, following a few steps behind as her hand was firmly held in his grip. Most of the stares quickly adverted their eyes in respect while muttering his title in acknowledgement as they moved forward, but it was easy to pinpoint who among the scattered males were unmated as their eyes lingered a little too long on her form being drawn in by her gentle fragrance.

On the second flight of stairs, one set of lingering eyes earned a forceful shove from the Alpha, utilizing his free hand and accentuating the motion with an audible growl erupting from the base of his throat. He suddenly no longer liked her top of choice, as the elegant lace that covered her neck and shoulders also concealed his mark in obscurity. Until the Luna ceremony she would have to make modifications to her clothing choices where it could be clearly displayed and act as a warning that she was not to  be approached.

Had they seen it visible, they would know that she was his chosen woman, his mark was significantly larger than others in comparison which came with his title, size and strength.

From the outside looking in, Jason couldn't truly blame them for their glances on her form, after all she could have just been a new fling of his that he was enamored with at present. Something that may be up for the taking after he decided he was done with her. It was very evident that she needed to be announced as Luna for all eyes to see that he was the only man who would ever touch her. He was her first and he would be her last.

His grip tightened on her hand as he moved them forward up the final flight of stairs, he was now bubbling with anticipation, having given her side glances all along the way to ensure she was still wearing that same blush and her eyes still holding that same dewy haze of lust. He never had to go without before her, always having someone to help him get his release. Now, that she was in his life,  being the most desirable woman he had ever encountered, and he was having to go without... It was almost unbearable.

Truth be told, his rushed walk leading her up to the stairs only excited her further. Had he not been so focused on sending death glares at some, baring his teeth at others and climbing the stairs so quickly, he would have noticed  her ever increasing heart rate and the way her eyes looked at him in even more adoration with each action exhibited displaying his possessiveness.

By the time they reached the top, he no longer cared about the shower and he scooped her up with one arm supporting underneath her butt, her legs following his lead and wrapping about his hips, his other arm wrapping around her back with a hand gripping tightly at the back of her head to send her lips crashing into his. He wanted her like he had never wanted any woman before.

Because she had sought him out, because she was so clearly turned on by his prowess, because her smell was intoxicating, because she was his.

His gripping hands on her body held her so fiercely that she would be left with bruised fingerprints later in the day, she didn't care, it only increased her hunger for more. Her hands had their own forceful grip in his hair as she bit at his lower lip and their tongues battled for dominance with one another. She let out the smallest of a whimper as his hand temporarily removed its tight vice like grip on the back of her head so that he could open the door. The hand returning within seconds upon entrance with elongated claws that tore at the delicate lace starting at the available portion of her neck and descending down her back, ruining the shirt permanently which dared to conceal his mark.

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