Old Friends

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Dominick paced in front of the large oak desk of the painfully quiet office, the room being completely devoid from sound save for the noise of his boots swishing swiftly on the floor, his eyes burning holes into the large antique rug which lay underneath it. Alpha Ryan sat behind the desk in front of him, leaning back into the heavy leather swivel chair on the other side of the desk, one elbow propped on a plump arm rest providing indirect support to his jaw which was encased in his fingers, eyes watching the back and forth of his Beta intently as he continued his measured route.

The unit currently stationed in Montana, employed and subsequently deployed by Dominicks orders at the start of Elizabeth's journey, had given a full report of recent events and left the two to discuss what were the next steps to be taken. Time was of the essence, as their reporting had been delayed by the Beta being inaccessible during his training of his young recruits, his phone laying in his own private office in the training grounds quarters and leaving all their calls unattended to.

They had done their job efficiently, reports of abnormality starting as early as the scout of the group of six had noticed three large military style vehicles enter in close proximity to where she was staying. Noting it, even if it had nothing to do with her. True concern forming when all the men exiting the convoy were found to be lycan, and even graver concern when they saw the presence of an Alpha, obviously their leader by the interactions.

This all could still have been nothing that concerned the Beta's niece, and it could have been a pack exercise or a show of power over a territory dispute with another pack. However, all those hopeful possibilities were effectively quashed, when the rest of the men stationed in a cabin across and down the way from hers, took note of the eviction of her previous neighbors and the subsequent claiming of the cabin by the Alpha himself.

The scouts communication detailed the dispersement of 15 men around the surrounding area, keeping enough distance and utilizing tools of the forest such as dirt, animal excrement and tree sap to cover his scent and maintain covertness. However, he would only be able to monitor from afar at this point, as returning to the cabin was no longer an option with how quickly and efficiently the other wolves descended upon the region. This would be the same for the men within the cabin, the moment they were to step out of the wooden door they too would be picked up by the newcomers.

All they could do was sit by, watching and waiting for the next set of orders from the Beta and the Alpha. Any brash move on their part had the potentiality of quickly developing into either capture or carnage. This being only solidified after watching the Alpha break into her cabin, as well as combined with the encounter that ensued between him and her later on resulting with her getting into his vehicle and them driving off. The scout following in shifted pursuit along the treelines beside the highway so sight was not lost.

I suspect, he believes she is his mate.

The last bit of information provided from the scout is what was currently reiterating in Dominicks mind to the point of obsession. Overwhelming any other thoughts and not producing the most ideal environment for rational thinking.

After a few more minutes of watching the back and forth across the rug, Alpha Ryan cleared his throat, "Dominick, sit." he said with a firm gentle tone. His other arm finding the arm rest and shifting his body towards the center of his chair where his hands could clasp in front of him. The crows feet around his eyes looking a little more apparent as he gave a pointed direct stare to his Beta.

Dominick had stopped in his tracks, being brought out of the depths of his brooding mind which had been regurgitating the same thought over and over again, his head snapping to look at the Alpha and a brief nod of acknowledgement before he took a seat across from him in an equally large leather chair that stood fixed rather than allowing for swivel. Though he followed the order, he still was not mentally present and his eyes were vacant as he looked like he was a million miles away, or perhaps just about around the measure of 2,000 miles and some change.

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