We Meet Again

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Elizabeth winced her eyes at the morning light peeking through the open shades of the large windows in the room. She has been sound asleep until she felt the gentle kisses and roaming fingers which tingled and erupted with electricity as they glided across her abdomen.

"Go away, Jason." She moaned out as she rolled over on her side and crushed a pillow feistily on top of her head.

"Oh. Is somebody not feeling well?" He said lightly as if in shock with a smirk, as he only followed her body, ending up behind her and pulling her in tightly against his naked skin, his damp recently showered hair caressing at her arm as he leaned over her.

"You did this to me." She growled underneath the pillow as her temples throbbed only further tensing the muscles all throughout her body, refusing to accept any responsibility for her own actions.

"I told you not to take that last shot and I did make you drink water before you went to bed. I can hardly see how this my fault." He said amusedly, refusing to admit blame but knowing he definitely encouraged her throughout the night.

"Just shut up and let me sleep." She said further pressing the pillow against her ear.

"It's 11am. I have let you sleep. Come on get up." He whispered as he began to tickle at her sides. "We'll go to brunch. Get you some food and you can chase your headache with water and a Bloody Mary."

"Take your girlfriend Mark, I'll pass." She said as she attempted to elbow him off of her.

"Nope. Get up." He chirped as he ripped both the pillow and blankets away from her, causing her to erupt in goosebumps immediately from the cold of the room.

"You're a sadist." She groaned as she covered her eyes with an arm and once again rolled onto her back in a dramatic fashion with a huff.

"You were the sadist last night." He smirked as he gave a tweak to a nipple receiving a smack of his hand. "Like an animal really." He laughed again as she lifted the arm from her eyes and sent him a glare.

"Shut up." She said sitting up slowly and rubbing her eyes firmly before doing the same to her temples, knowing there was no hope of returning back to sleep with him being so insistent she wake up.

"What is it you said again?" He said as if in deep thought as a thumb and forefinger encased his strong stubble coated jaw. "Oh, I remember. You said you were going to make me your bitch." He emitted another laugh as she slowly got up from the bed faltering for a moment as she bent at her hips and placed a hand on her lower abdomen which ached tenderly. "How did that work out for you?" He said arching an eyebrow as he propped his head on his hand supported by an elbow.

"Fuck off, Jason." She grumbled with a head shake as she walked slowly into the bathroom gaining more strength in her legs with each step taken.

"Be ready in fifteen minutes. Mark is waiting for us." He said rolling onto his back with another laugh, laying in the comfort of the bed for a few more minutes before he himself would get ready.


Elizabeth had showered quickly and dressed for comfort in a pair of black leggings, a cute knitted oversized soft yellow sweater with a hood attachment and a kangaroo pouch, finishing the look with a large pair of black sunglasses. She promptly threw the hood up and wore the sunglasses as she walked moodily down the hall with hands deposited in the pouch of the sweater. Jason had his arm lazily draped over her shoulder, wearing black jeans and and the yellow and black plaid button up he wore when they first met, with its sleeves rolled three quarters of the way up his forearms, he was also wearing a huge grin on his face in regards to her condition.

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