The Lazy Luna

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A full day had passed and it was the night before the ceremony. Jacob was no where to be found, he hadn't been heard from or even seen, as was expected of him. Jason and Mark didn't even bother trying to look for him, as he was exceptionally good at hiding, extremely elusive if he didn't want to be found. He would come back when he was ready, and not before.

Mark was extremely grateful for Jason's wise decision to send Hollie to his home. He made the decision to do so, in case Jacob tried to seek Hollie out, Mark would be able to keep him at bay. However, this notion was deemed unnecessary as the Master Beta was immensely upset, feeling a betrayal from his own mates words against him, and it tempered his desire to do so. In turn, Mark did receive a reprieve from Samantha due to Hollies soothing and gentle presence, and peace had returned to his household.

Jason and Elizabeth had settled as well, with the matter of the dress out of the way, they would have to find new ways to annoy one another. For the time being, they were actively working together overseeing the final preparations for the ceremony that would take hold the next night.

Cane, as usual, picked up the slack when one of the other higher ranking members faltered, and had stepped into Jacobs role temporarily in his absence. He didn't have the smooth tongue Jacob had, but he took charge of housing the influx of visiting Alphas, their mates and or partners, as well as a select few of their betas, into the packs complimentary guest housing.

Ah, there it was. Jason found his new reason to be annoyed with her. A repeat topic actually. A clear agitation took over him, once he was informed of a specific Alphas arrival on his territory, and he once again began to state how displeased he was with her, at how she had the audacity to invite the others without his express permission.

However, she was too inundated and excited with the buzzing vitality surrounding the ceremonies final preparations, that she only gave him a few eye rolls with matching dismissive comments and went about her business without engaging. Her not engaging only irritated him more, and he was left to grumble about the specifics of table settings in a deep tone, him being unnecessarily nit-picky about cutlery placement and napkin folds to vent his frustration.

His OCD was coming out in full display as the ball room was prepared and organized. This only showing that when they were to get married, he would be the bridezilla. Further solidified, as Elizabeth was fluttering about from task to task, never fully completing one, before she jumped to the next.

She needed to be redirected back to task by him frequently, as she would often find herself distracted in conversation with excited pack members assisting in their efforts. He choosing to scold her over the lower ranking members, and picking at her specifically. Solely, because he found enjoyment in doing so and getting a reaction from her.

Her efforts completely derailed when her Aunt, Uncle and Alex arrived on the territory, surprisingly with Allison in tow. Jason temporarily gave up on her with flustered hands going up into the air, only giving them an idle nod of acknowledgement as they had arrived to see the rooms preparations, before he immediately returned and began to even more aggressively bark out orders at the staff.

"Uncle Dom!" She said immediately running over and jumping in to his wide open arms with a tight energetic hug.

"Lizzy." He said gruffly, his deep brown eyes were as equally excited as her outward visible show.

"What do you think?" She said finally releasing him and looking around the busy ballroom for his approval.

"You did well kid." He said with a nod, his eyes looking over to Jason who was hammering down on flower arrangements, and knowing it was really the Alphas doing.

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