Pick One

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"Are you going to come see me at the pack house today?" he asked with hopeful eyes as he leaned against his car, one of his hands holding gently onto one of hers, as the other rubbed at her cheek before tucking some of her golden locks behind her ear.

"I don't know, your mother and I have plans." she lied, as she shook her head in uncertainty. Knowing exactly why he wanted her to come visit him, knowing she would end up in his bed again within minutes if she did.

"I'd really like it if you did." he said back earnestly, trying to guilt her emotions into falling in line with his intentions.

"Maybe... Probably not today though." she said a little more firmly. "Besides, it's not like you wont see me later." she said with a mild shrug and a small smile, not at all falling for his devil penis magic.

"What are you two doing, that's so important, that you cant come see your mate?" he said as his disappointed frustration began to build, clearly presenting in his voice.

"Girl stuff." she said with another shrug as if she didn't register his tone.

"Girl stuff..?" he questioned back in skepticism as he stared her dead in the eyes.

"Yeah, girl stuff." she gave one more shrug, now diverting her eyes from his penetrating stare. "You should go, you don't want to be late."

"Elizabeth, I don't like you hanging out with my mother so much." he once again said his tone in a warning nature.

"You're going to be late. See you at dinner!" she said sweetly obviously ignoring his words, removing her hand from his and popping a quick kiss on his cheek before walking away with a quick wave.

Hazel eyes peering out the window and taking note that he was clenching his jaw as he left. He really needed to stop that habit, otherwise he'd damage those perfectly aligned pearly whites. She began to snicker as she turned to walk away from the window being caught with the proud green eyes that matched her mates, "Oh, I'm so proud of you." She had been caught and received no reprimand, his mother thoroughly enjoying her new sense of self as she watched her sons mate handle him with ease. "Seeing as you're so busy with me today, you should probably leave your phone to charge, you'll be too occupied to use it. Let's get some coffee." she said as she waved her into the kitchen where they would sit about and do nothing but chat for the rest of the morning.


At around 12:30 Jason came storming through the kitchen door, finding them still sitting in the kitchen conversing, their beverages had made the subtle change from coffee to tea. Both at them turning with mild interest to him emerging so rapidly into the kitchen halting their conversation.

"Jason, what are you doing here? Slow day at the pack house?" his mother questioned innocently as if he didn't have a stony stare shifting rapidly between the two.

"No." he huffed off in irritation. "Elizabeth didn't respond to any of my texts, or play the next turn in our game. Obviously, I was worried something had happened." Elizabeth giving the smallest twinkle of excitement in her eyes, as he referred to their never-ending, always renewing, game of scrabble as 'our game.'

"Oh!" his mate said with a light gasp as if in shock. "I forgot to grab it off the charger." her hand going up to her lips as if she was upset at her irresponsibility. "I'm sorry. I'll go get it." Now making a motion to stand.

"Don't bother, we're leaving. You wont need it." he said back firmly, his eyes now exclusively trained on her.

"I told you, I had plans with your mother. I'm not going to the pack house today." she said back, grabbing her mug of tea and sipping at it as she watched his lingering stare, his eyes trying not to dip below her face. She had recently given him a taste, and he wanted more, the struggle was real for him at present.

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