An Error Of Dissociation

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The young blonde Alpha utilized the keys to unlock the door of the room she had tucked her mate away in for the night while they both stewed. She was covered in sweat and mud, her pony tail disheveled with fly away hairs indicating that she had run a training exercise this morning, her stark gold eyes no longer holding their angered state as she had exhausted her temper in the trials of the morning. Shutting the door behind her, she relocked the door before running her fingernails through her soaked scalp a heavy sigh erupting between her delicate plump lips.

She kicked off the muddied sneakers that adorned her feet, and rubbed the glistening shine off of her palms onto the elastic athletic pants she wore, her upper body only covered by a sports bra but her frame feeling no chill despite the cold air flow in the room. Gentle steps were made towards the man who slumbered shirtless in the bed with a well defined arm draped over his eyes, two momentary pauses forming as she removed the socks that were sticking heavily to her feet as if they were a secondary skin.

Crawling on top of the bed without a care for her current grime covered condition, she began to place light kisses on his lower jaw, causing him to begin to stir. His head craned to the side subconsciously permitting her access to continue her gentle lip presses along his stubble coated skin, a groan of tired contentment escaping his lips as his free hand moved to caress at her glistening back while his other arm still blocked out the light of the morning.

"What are you doing here?" he asked out his voice still cloaked in the grogginess of deep sleep.

"I missed you." she whispered against his flesh as her teeth began to nip at the skin of his neck in a teasing manner. "Are you still cross with me?" she said stopping her motions, and her gold eyes staring intently up at his concealed ones.

"That depends." he said beginning to lift his arm from his eyes, his deep blue glancing at her from the side, her holding the stare as she dipped down again to press a deep kiss against the portion of his neck where it and his jaw met.

"Depends on what exactly?" she said whispering into his ear, her hot breath causing him to shudder slightly as her voice sang out to him, his body warming immediately under her gentle direction.

"It depends on what version of yourself you're choosing to be today." he said pushing her away from his ear so he could stare directly into her eyes, his resolve strengthening against her teasing touches.

"I'm sorry I hurt you..." she whispered, lowering her body on top of his, her upper thighs resting on top of his hips as her elbows propped on either side of his head, allowing the tip of her nose to nuzzle on his. She could feel the thickness of his member on her thigh and how it pulsated with the increased circulation brought on by slumber and the early morning. "I am only trying to do what is best for us, and I cannot have you fighting me every step of the way. It is my job to protect you, but you're making this so difficult. Do you not love me?" her words came out gentle, and her eyes held the faintest trace of pain as she spoke, they had been down this path many times before. She would apologize, but place the blame on him and he would be manipulated by the soft words she spoke and inevitably relent, feeling a state of confusion for his own conflicting feelings.

"I do love you..." he sighed out, as he rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his own hair. "But I want peace. I don't want this constant turmoil."

"It will be over soon... I promise. I just need you to be strong and stand with me, not against me." she said as  one of her thighs began to wiggle in between his legs, causing them to part slightly. Her lips going to his where she pulled his lower one into her mouth and lightly sucked at it before nibbling with her teeth. His hands instinctively going to grip tightly at her hips in response as he moaned into her touches.

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