Chapter 17.- "This is your last chance"

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"Why you wearing that to walk out of my life?

even though it's over you should stay tonight

If tomorrow you won't be mine...Won't you give it to me one last time?, let me love you... goodbye"

"Don't see me like that Finn! , I didn't know you were having that conversation, if I had, I wouldn't have allowed Millie to come in here". Grace said feigning innocence before his gaze.

"What the hell is going on? ... Finn ... Are you going to talk or are you going to let Grace explain it to me again, just like she did it with the bet with Marcus? Do you want me to ask her? Because I think she would be happy to talk, right Grace?".

"Baby please stop". Finn took her arm before she approached Grace. "I ... I'll tell you everything ... I didn't do any of this to hurt you, I just ... I just.."

"Oh come on Finn, just tell the truth, Millie doesn't have to be mad, you just wanted to do something nice for her and her little business ..."

"Shut the fuck up Grace!". Finn spat angrily.

"You know what? ... I think I'm smart enough to know what's going on here ... I heard enough when I walked in". Millie said trying to take all the air possible, she needed to relax she couldn't collapse, not in front of Grace, especially now that everything was beginning to take shape in her head, in a moment of clarity, all the pieces came together and it all made sense.

"You gave Murray money to choose me to organize his event, right?".

"I don't...I..".

"No, forget the question, this is not a Yes or No question, because it is more than obvious that this is what happened ... the real question is ...". Millie's tone was slow and full of disappointment and anger. "Why? ... why did you do this to me and what does Grace have to do with all this?".

"I swear I just wanted to do something good for you, I wanted you to achieve this because ..."

"Why? ... Because I am unable to do it myself?!". Millie exploded.

"What? ... no, I just .."

"Why am I inexperienced and unable to achieve something this great on my own? ... Why do I have to resign myself to the fact that I am not good enough? Or Did you do it to show that I would be nothing without you, Finn Wolfhard the business prodigy?! ".

The words began to spill from Millie's lips without her being able to contain them, Finn just shook his head unable to find the right words to show her that those were not his intentions, that this should never have caused her pain.

"This is not like this, Baby please go home and I will explain everything and ...".

"No... you know what?... Your explanations aren't helping me at all so... Grace...". Millie said turning to face the blonde. "Come on, tell me your version, I know you're dying to do it ... tell me what the hell you have to do with all this".

"Well, the explanation is simpler than you think Millie". Grace said immediately getting comfortable in the couch where she was. "I think you're exaggerating, Finn was worried that you wouldn't get the Mistik-Com contract so he just pulled a few strings to help you with that... My family had done some business with Murray so I helped them reunite... and well, you know Finn can be very persuasive, especially when everyone in this world speaks the same language, the language of money, right Murray?".

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