Chapter 23.- ""I hate myself too".

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Warning: Triggers / Anxiety / Depression / Self Injury / Be careful if any of this bothers you,

I'm here if you want to talk

*Please as you read leave as many comments as you can, i would love to know how you felt in each part of the chapter *

I can't tell you what it really is

I can only tell you what it feels like

And right now there's a steel knife, in my windpipe

I can't breathe, but I still fight, while I can fight

It's like I'm huffing paint and I love her the more I suffer

I suffocate and right before I'm about to drown

She resuscitates me...she fucking hates me

And I love it, wait...Where you going?

...I'm leaving you.


The news about Millie regaining consciousness turned us all upside down from the second the nurse entered my room ... although the truth is, the information was not as accurate as we imagined, It had been over an hour and she didn't show any signs of waking up, right now I'd be losing all my shit because of that but Caleb did his best to reassure us all.

"It is normal ... remember that her body is not only dealing with anesthesia, it is also fighting stress, surgery, trauma and the natural fatigue that all this represents ".

During the early morning everyone had been able to come in for a moment to see her thanks to the advantages of Caleb being her doctor, if it weren't for him now we would depend on the strict visiting hours that the hospital had, I don't think anyone would have endured that ... I would not have endured that.

The rules were clear, there could not be more than 2 people in the room and the privilege that we were all enjoying would soon end, it was almost 7 in the morning and with a new day, Monday to be specific, there were also real world responsibilities, so as broken as we were and no matter how bad they thought of me right now, it was time to work together to make this work.

Starting with Brown Events ... Although I know that Sadie wanted with all her heart to stay by her friend's side, she needed to take care of everything, with Noah unreachable and Millie in these circumstances she was the only one capable of being in charge of the responsibilities, specifically when that night was the closing of the Misti-kom, even if everything was already in the hands of Murray's staff, it was their responsibility to be alert for any inconvenience.

"Are you sure you can handle it love?". I heard Caleb asked her before he let her go, I know him, he was worried about her and he was trying to be strong for the two of them, he hated seeing her so distraught, I always admired that about him, his congruence between what he thinks, says and does, the way in which he balances everything to be the best friend and the best husband, I will always want to aspire to be half the man that he is, maybe one day I will tell him.

"Yes... I have to take everything forward for Millie, it won't be so complicated, all our future events are perfectly programmed and the closing of the event is really simple... I just need you please to inform me of any changes, when Millie wakes up tell her that I will come to see her immediately ".

I heard how Sadie took a deep breath when Caleb held her against him, I remember the feeling, when everything collapses but for a second you know that you are in a safe bubble where no one will harm you, where nothing exists only you and the person you love, Millie created that bubble for me for a long time, created it around us over and over again no matter how many times I pop it... I hope that once she felt that safe in my arms.

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