Chapter 6.- "Fucking Delorean"

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"Sighing is letting the soul escape through our mouth ...

A sigh is a thought made air,

air turned into feeling

and feeling turned into sound ...".

Millie's life was full of productive days, she had gotten used to that lifestyle, but that day was really crazy, the morning had been full of many pending issues that she had to solve, scheduled calls, attention to her clients, Follow-ups to her next events and all of that had to be ready before noon because she would have her first meeting with the event manager.

He was the man who would pay the big bill so... it was important.

That's why, there they were ... Noah and Millie, 1 hour before to check that everything was in order...they had decided that the meeting would be in the same place of the event, one of their largest rooms, they called it the Brown Deluxe, that space was adequate for the event and now they only had to review the client's specifications, layout, distribution, decoration ...

"Millie ?, Noah?" He called to them from the door, a bald, middle-aged man with glasses and an unkempt beard that clung to the little hair still on his head.

"Mr. Murray!" Millie rushed to greet him with a cordial handshake, as did Noah. "We are happy to receive you, I am eager to show you around the place and we can agree with you, everything about the distribution and ...".

"Millie, Millie." Mr. Murray interrupted her. "I will be honest with you ... I plan to make this visit a quick one, so I will be clear ... I fully trust you ... I know that you will make the convention a success"

Millie and Noah stared at each other for a moment, silently asking if they had heard correctly, the organizer of such a famous event, was he giving them total freedom to do whatever they wanted?

"Mr. Murray, excuse me ...". Noah was the first to come back to reality. "Are you saying that you will let us decide everything... everything?"

"Yes...". He answered easily. "I will send you the necessary information about our modules and activities ... you can work on that."

"But...". Millie said still trying to assimilate his words. "Mr. Murray, my job is the visual design of your entire event and for that I need your vision, I mean... how do you imagine it, what colors do you prefer, what kind of lighting and... ".

"Millie trusted you ...". He insisted. "I trust you will do a good job, I was honestly thinking of canceling the meeting and saying this on the phone because I have a very busy schedule today ... but I wanted to come because there is something very important that I need to ask you."

"Yeah sure ... whatever! ..."

"There is a very important module in the convention ... 1 year ago, Dr. David Harbor, a psychologist, psychoanalyst expert, recognized therapist in the United States and part of Europe, joined our convention ..".

"I know him! I have read his books... ". Millie said excitedly, looking at Noah, seeing her friend's confused face she wanted to explain immediately. "He is very famous! He was the first professional to introduce total regression hypnosis as part of psychoanalytic treatment... his success stories have been recorded in his books and the testimonies of his patients are... simply amazing! ".

"I'm glad you know about his work that will make things easier!" Said Mr. Murray. "You see ... I give you complete freedom to do whatever you want with the convention ... except, with his module ... he is somewhat picky, strict and perfectionist ... so I want to know if you could receive him and talk to him to agree on the details of all his requirements ".

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