Chapter 15.- "The last fucking lie"

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"I'm in my bed and you're not here

and it kills me because I know we've run out of things we can say

What am I now? What am I now?...

What if I'm someone you don't want around?..."

That Saturday the sun came out the same as every day, there were some clouds, but the sky was clear enough to let in the sun's rays and the ambient temperature was ideal... it seemed like a great day.

Millie could not have asked for a better climate for the inauguration of the Mistik-Com, everything was perfect outside... She wish things inside her mind were that bright, that warm.

She left the house very early that morning, stopping just a little in front of the guest room where Finn slept, she knew he would not wake up soon, she could hear how his nightmares kept him awake all night, still can't believe that she had the strength to resist the urge to run to his side and comfort him, her heart was breaking every second but that was the right thing to do, she could give everything for him but she was no longer willing to do so unless he let her in completely, that night was painful but it meant a first step for Millie, she needed to show Finn that his actions were taking her away from him little by little, this time if he wanted to repair things, he would have to make an effort.

She left the house taking everything she needed with her, including her outfit for that night, she would spend the whole day adjusting the last details of the event and then she would go to Sadie's house to get ready, a girls afternoon, talking about makeup and shoes was definitely something she needed, she walked towards the door silently feeling that tightness in her chest that almost made her come back and wake up Finn , kiss him and check if he was okay, ask him if she would see him there that night, tell him that despite everything she would love to see him there, share that important moment with him...

But she had to contain those desires and continue her steady path to her car, that day was about her and everything she had worked for, years fighting to do something important with her passion and gain recognition thanks to her dedication, for once she allowed herself to feel her ego swell, she was proud of herself, she was not like her father, she would get everything she has working hard and honest, she was not the girlfriend of a major businessman either, she was her own person and knowing that helped her put a smile on her face as she drove, placing a hand on her belly.

"No matter what happens ... Tonight we are going to shine together my little angel"


As ironic as life is... that rush of energy and emotion that filled Millie's body that morning was the opposite that Finn felt when he woke up.

Although he did not remember being conscious even once during the night, he only needed to feel the pain in his body and his head to know that what he did that night could not be considered as sleep...he just raved, he fought his mind between the sheets, getting caught up in those nightmares hour after hour, he hadn't felt like this when he woke up for years, as if his soul and energy had been drained from his body, he used to have nights like this before he met Millie , he had to endure it all alone and deal with the consequences the next morning but everything got better when she came into his life and even after his father's death when the nightmares only got worse she was there to comfort him whenever he woke up agitated or awakened when the nightmare had him trapped... trapped like last night ... the signs were clear, after years he went through hell alone again, every ounce of pain and fatigue shouted at him, shouted the truth that he had to accept ... Millie didn't want to help him this time.

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