Chapter 21.- "The one who is dead"

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"Today you were far away and I didn't ask you why,

What could I say?...I was far away...

you just walked away and I just watched you..."


"No baby, wait ... it seems that Noah is hinting that a lonely future awaits me ... tell me, is it true? ... are you going to abandon me like everyone else?". Finn said staring at her and waiting for a response from her, holding on to her shoulders so as not to fall to the floor, Millie wrapped her arm around his waist to try to hold him, she just wanted everything to end.

The ability of our brain to store information is incredible, it does not matter if it is something important or something minor, the memory is stored somewhere in our minds, similar to when a compulsive hoarder fills his basement with useless things hoping that one day those things will be of use to him.

"Finn ... baby, you know I love you ... now please let's go home ... please". Millie tried to make him walk to the door, but she closed her eyes disappointed when he resisted and started to address Noah again.

"Did you hear her? ... she will not leave me Schnapp, she accepts me as I am and will always be with me".

"And will she be happy Finn? ... do you think Millie will be happy?".

Something in Finn's brain had decided that many of his words and actions should be saved for later, especially those that had been spoken under a state of anger, alcohol, or driven by that shadow within him... something meant to torture him, released memories of the past at a time when he couldn't fight them.

"Noah" ... Millie said as if she sensed that she had to stop this before something ended up breaking her heart, she felt it ... she felt a blow coming, one that could tear her apart.

"Answer Finn, do you think you can make Millie happy? ... Do you think that with your behavior you can start a family and raise your children properly?".

In a state of semi unconsciousness Finn tried to understand what was happening, his head ached, he felt that every muscle in his body ached, all his skin was on fire, his mouth was dry, he felt the moisture on his skin as he tried to free himself from the scenes of the past that were recreated in front of him, each image so clear, so real, as if it were all a play for which you have front row seats, He did not know how he got there, nor did he understand what was happening but he was watching the night of his mother's birthday, his fight with Noah happen again in front of his eyes, he knew how that discussion ended and he didn't want to hear it, he couldn't hear himself say it, he ran, wanting to go out the front door, but it was closed, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get out.

A cold laugh left Finn's lips, as he looked at Noah like he was the stupidest person on earth.

"Schnapp ... Schnapp ... you definitely don't know me, you don't know a fucking thing about me ... because if you did ...".

He was locked in that house, kidnapped by his own brain, by his own fault ... he was being forced to listen to himself break the heart of the person he loves, break the heart of the love of his life ...

Finn shook his head as he laughed again and stumbled over to one of the nearby armchairs sitting on it, dropping his head back and closing his eyes without removing the pretentious smile from his face.

Life was forcing him to see the exact moment in which he practically cursed his own son, without knowing that he was in the womb of the woman who has done nothing but love him and bear everything by his side.

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