Chapter 31.- "Emergency Plan"

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(Please don't hold back in the comments, I love knowing every thought and emotion you experience as you read)

"All it'd take is one flight

We'd be in the same time zone

Looking through your timeline

Seeing all the rainbows, I

I got an idea

And I know that it sounds crazy

I just wanna see ya

Oh, I gotta ask

Do you got plans tonight?..."

Song: Lost in Japan by Shawn Mendes


"Mr. Wolfhard, last warning ... slowly get your hands out of your pockets, if you don't prove unarmed and surrender you are endangering everyone here and even yourself"

Finn's heart was beating so fast that he could feel it in his throat, behind the backs of the officers he saw that the great hangar door was already fully open but the plane had not taken off yet ...

"Mr. Wolfhard ... put your hands behind your head and get down on the ground ... I'm not going to repeat it again"

Finn really considered following the instructions, for a second he thought about giving up, being cautious and stopping risking his life ... making an officer believe that you are armed and ready to attack is enough reason to get shot ...

He had almost given up, he was really ready to surrender but he saw that one of the uniformed men directed his sight to the rear of the place, realizing that the hangar door that connected to the runway was completely open, preparing for take off....

"Sir, the airp ..."

The officer couldn't finish his sentence... before he could alert everyone else, Finn lunged at him, knocking him to the ground.

It all happened in slow motion

For seconds he didn't see anything, he didn't feel anything, it was all a complete mix of hands and struggles, the weight of several people on him and then ...

He felt the impact on his back ...

and then a loud scream was heard and everything stopped.

2 hours before ...

The plan was in motion.

It was crazy?...


Noah needed a couple of seconds to digest Finn's words, part of him expected his brother to start laughing and confess that it was all a joke, but the moment Finn grabbed his arm tightly and dragged him towards the elevators, he knew this was really happening.

"Schnapp, I know you're trying to digest everything but can you do it while moving your fucking feet? ... we don't have much time"

They went up the elevator going down a bit before reaching the floor where Millie's room was located, Finn was supposed to still be in the company and he didn't want to risk being seen, right now he was a nervous wreck and anyone who saw him would suspect that there was something strange about him, the last thing he needed was for some nurse to alert Caleb or Sarah.

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