Chapter 14.- "Junk food days".

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"The a taste of your lips on the tip of my tongue

Is at the top of the list of the things I want

Mind is running in circles of you and me

Anyone in between is the enemy"

Awareness began to come to Finn when a ray of sunlight came through the window striking directly on his closed eyelids, he frowned a little and then used all the strength in his body to turn his head to the other side while letting out a grunt of annoyance, he was still on that little boundary between being asleep or being awake, at that moment, definitely a zombie would have more control over his body and mind than him.

Finn isn't a morning person, he never was, especially when the arrival of a new day is accompanied by an excruciating hangover.

His senses begin to awaken little by little, pain is all he can feel ... it is as if someone had struck a great hammer against his skull, even his weak attempts to open his eyelids caused him excruciating pain, his senses continue to sharpen and he realizes something ...

It is not hot, the room is freezing.

That's weird, Finn thinks... Millie always turns off the air conditioning in the morning, can't stand the cold when she gets out of the shower, unless she didn't shower that morning or... unless she didn't sleep here?

He shakes his head rubbing his hands against his face seeking the strength he needs to open his eyes and face the blinding light, but then another of his senses awakens.

His nose... smells like flowers... no, they are not just flowers, they are roses ". Finn's mind sends out a warning signal as his eyes go wide, quickly turning to the side of the bed that Millie should be lying on.

But she is not there ... in her place is a bouquet of red roses.

"What the hell ...?". He mutters confused, as he sits on the bed ignoring the dizziness caused by the abrupt movement, noting that he has the same clothes from yesterday, wondering why Millie's side of the bed is intact and why there is a bouquet of red roses next to him.

Then the memories hit him like a truck, Finn was a drunk who forgot things, but for some reason, he remembered, remembered practically everything about that night.

"It's not about what you did mom's about what you didn't do! You let him turn my childhood and my adolescence into hell ".

The memories came one by one to his mind, did he really confront his mother? Did he really let out all his resentment?

"I didn't know how to ask for help, NOBODY TAUGHT ME! ... I had to pretend to be strong, pretend to have his disgusting personality to survive, pretend to be an emotionless object until...until I really became one"

All the resentment towards his mother, all that had made him walk away from her, the feeling of loneliness that made him feel for all those years, he knew deep down that it was not his intention to make him feel that way, he verified it by seeing her tears, her face full of regret, but the pain was too much, anger and pride filled every cell of his body, he knew it was a time bomb and finally exploded.

The memories were clear, it was like living the scene again, the resentment he felt was so much that at that moment the only solution was to let him out, no matter who he hurt, he also perfectly remembered how things escalated with Noah ...

"You could be part of the company and help me with something for the fucking time in your life, but it's easier just to enjoy the money that I make, right?".

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