Chapter 40.- "Until your last breath?"

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"If you're feeling down

I just wanna make you happier, baby

Wish I was around

I just wanna make you happier, baby

We've been doing all this late night talking

'Bout anything you wanna 'til the morning

Now you're in my life

I can't get you off my mind"

Song: "Late night talking" by Harry Styles


It's strange to be back... or at least that's what everyone has told me

"Millie, it's amazing to have you back"

The truth is that I don't feel that way... I mean, I don't feel like someone who was absent... now looking back, seeing the time that passed, I almost can't believe it, time didn't pass in the same way for me, for me it was like waking up from a nap, a nap and a long dream....a dream of which I remember all the details.

Yes...I don't know why but....I remember everything.

I remember the past, my past and hers...Eleonor, the woman who took my place while I healed, hidden in that dark and quiet place where our minds and souls interconnect, I can't understand it... I just know that when I woke up I knew everything and for some reason that weight and pain that was in my chest had disappeared, I could still remember all that rancor against life, against destiny, against Finn... but it was in the past , the reality is that was gone.

Finn... I still remember his face when our eyes met for the first time on the bank of that river a couple of hours ago... that adoration in his eyes, the way his whole body relaxed knowing that I had returned to him... as if after a long time he was able to breathe.

But I also remember all that concern on his face, all that guilt...I only needed to see him for a second to realize that he was terrified, I could see his deepest fear...he was afraid that I would push him away, that I would hate him.

I remember the whole ride in the ambulance, his tears and his clumsy attempts to want to make sure I was okay while at the same time trying to apologize to me and explain everything, The way he rubbed over the heating blanket trying to keep me warm even when he was shivering too...

I don't even know when I stopped hearing the noise of the ambulance that was transporting us, I could only hear him...

"'ll be fine...we'll go to the hospital and make sure there's no harm...nothing's going to happen to you...I promise nothing will ever hurt you, I...fuck...I'm so sorry... . I know you must hate me now but please let me hold you now."

I remember his arms around me as we were being transported, I still felt very tired and confused, even the thought of speaking seemed impossible but I needed to put him out of his misery.

"Mr. Wolfhard should let us check you too, your heart rate is a little elevated and..."

"Elevated?... try to see the woman you love about to die and tell me if your heart doesn't come out of your fucking chest!"


"Yes Baby?... Are you okay? Do you need something? Are you cold?...we are close to the hospital, it's not long now and..."

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