Chapter 20.-"There's no hope for you"

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"If this is all we're living for...Why are we doing it anymore?

I used to recognize myself, It's funny how reflections change

When we're becoming something else, I think it's time to walk away

So come on, let it go...Just let it be"

*If you haven't read chapter 19, it's important that you read it first*

(Finn's office)

1 hour before...

Finn watched as the raindrops slid down the huge window of his office, started at the top and fell and fell until they disappeared, he had lost track of the time he had been sitting in front of the glass, Watching the city that now seemed to be on hold, the rain stopped everything and the gray clouds gave the landscape the perfect touch of melancholy to worsen his mood.

He went there with the aim of distracting himself but it was impossible, the pain didn't stop and Millie's words circled in his head, like his own voice reminding him of the position he was in at that moment ... he was close to being alone forever.

Not the kind of total loneliness, no ... he wouldn't make that mistake again and discard the other important people in his life ... he knew he'd have his friends, his mother, and if he was lucky, even Noah ... Finn was willing to try his best to keep them and be a better person for them ... so that wasn't what was troubling him.

The loneliness that haunted him was the kind of loneliness that makes you return to an empty house, sleep and wake up in a cold bed, with no one by your side.

That is the life that Finn had already resigned himself to having in the past, he had adjusted to the idea that he would never love or be loved but Millie changed all that, she turned his life around, offered him the opportunity for a different life and he took it ...he took what that girl offered him even knowing that he did not deserve it, even knowing that it could never be enough for her, he was selfish and took everything she had in her heart trying to calm the pain in his...everyone knew it, he knew it... and now she finally knew it... she deserves more than him.

Finn ran his hands through his hair in frustration, he rubbed his eyes hard as if that prevented the tears from coming out, since he left his mother's house he had not been able to stop crying.

"STOOP !!". Finn yelled giving a loud bang on the wall, he wasn't talking to anyone in particular or well ... maybe to the voices in his head, maybe to his heart, he just wanted everything to stop, the pain to stop, he was physically and emotionally tired, in every step he took he felt that his legs would give way at any moment, he felt like a puppet, without strength or will ... his gaze went to the small bar in his office and as if someone controlled his body his shaking hands took the first bottle at the reach and pouring a generous amount into a glass ...

He watched the liquid for a second, his repair was agitated as he closed his eyes and brought the glass to his mouth, the moment the burning liquid touched his tongue, causing that familiar burning that previously comforted him so much, he realized what he was doing, again he was showing himself that he didn't have the courage to be someone else, feeling disgusted with himself he leaned quickly and spat the alcohol on the carpet, he spat as many times as he could to remove the taste, it tasted of failure and shame.

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