Chapter 38.- "Water"

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"The hurt on your heart

Through your eyes it shows

The past can't relive

What we both know

Still I remember

Things I'll never miss

Memories around me

Won't let me forget"

Song: "Missing you" by Steve Perry



For many a simple color.

For me?...a whirlwind of feelings, emotions and memories.

The red of her lips that I love to kiss so much

The red of her cheeks when it made her blush

But also...

The red of the roses that he hates so much

The red of her eyes after crying because of me

The red of her spilled blood and that of our lost son

The red of my blood, boiling right now in my head and under my eyelids...

Red is all I see and all I feel, so I don't realize I'm continuing on David until my brother's screams bring me back to reality, my fist manages to slam into his face once more before being ripped from him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Stop!". Noah's voice is clear now, I see him crouching over me, using all his strength to keep me on the ground, it takes me a couple of seconds to be aware of my surroundings again, we're still in the rain, I can feel the mud under my back, my brother's breathing is as fast as mine and to my side, trying to catch his breath and still with traces of blood that the rain has not been able to wash completely from his face, is David.

He tries to get back up without taking his eyes off me and despite the pain he must be feeling, I don't see reproach in his eyes and that only makes me even angrier.

Why can't he hate me? Why the hell didn't he respond to my punches?

He looks at me as if he understands my rage towards him, as if he doesn't mind receiving every blow, he's there waiting for me to calm down giving me my space as if I were a frightened animal that could bite him at any moment.

I'm not a fucking wounded animal, I don't need his pity, I don't need his understanding...I need the fucking answers right now, I need to know what's going on.

"Noah, please take my briefcase inside, there are important things there, I don't want them to get damaged in the rain". David turns to Noah without taking his eyes off me, as if he's afraid I'm going to throw myself at him at any moment.

"Dr. David...Are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine, now hurry up". I see Noah running towards the house clutching the leather briefcase against his chest to protect it from the rain, I still have a hard time getting out of the daze in which I find myself, the fury weighs as much as my soaked clothes, I must be quite a sight for the eyes, dressed up as a fucking fairy tale character...

I barely manage to get to my feet when Noah is back placing a hand on my chest in a comforting gesture and a gesture that also indicates he's ready to stop me if I lose my fucking mind again.

"Your heart beats too fast." I see him looking at me with concern. "We all better calm down, this is too much for everyone and..."

"I want answers David." I take a step towards him ignoring my brother's words. "I want fucking answers now"

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