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**Please play the music**

Millie (POV)

Many times I imagined what my death would be like...

It stops being something macabre when you've been through things like the ones I experienced, when you've seen what I saw, when you know what I know... you embrace the idea of ​​the end, as part of life.

I was never afraid because I knew that everything was going to be fine, that I've been here before and maybe it's not the end of me yet...but above all, the idea was peaceful because I knew that the day my time on this earth was over, I could finally see the love of my life.

Yes...I only had one love of my life...only him.

I never got married, I never fell in love again, I tried, but only... I never got to experience even a little of what I lived with Finn, so I dedicated myself to my work, to my kids to see them grow, enjoy my family, life passed as fast as the blink of an eye.

One day I turned 40, then 50....

and when I least expected it, I saw my children graduate, be successful, Violett taking the helm of Brown Events and Alex running W&M Industries after Gaten decided to retire...I saw them fall in love...I saw them get married...I met my grandchildren.

I suffered the pain of losing Sarah and Mary, but I also felt the joy of seeing Noah, Sadie, Caleb, Gaten, Suzie obtain everything they wanted from this life, growing day by day by my side, seeing how our children formed a new family that would be just like ours...

I traveled...I did everything I wanted to do, Finn was right when he told me that I was going to be fine...I kept my promise and lived for both of us...I lived intensely and there was not a single night that I did not sleep thinking about his eyes and his beautiful smile .

It's amazing how the intensity of my love never diminished, I loved him more for every wrinkle that appeared on my face, wondering if he would love this version of me, with white hair and tired eyes.

He would. I know...

I know that death must be a different experience for each of us but if I can describe it in any way I would say...quick.

Like life, death passes in the blink of an eye....one day I received a disheartening medical diagnosis and the next I was in my bed surrounded by all the people I love, I don't remember many things but I remember that there was no pain, there were smiles and tranquility because that was what I asked of them... we gave each other so much love in life, I gave and received so much that everyone there knew I was ready to go.

"We love you mom" I heard Alex say, then I heard Violett's voice. "Tell Dad I miss him"

And then...I only remember a blinding light.

That's how I got here, There's nothing but light here, I haven't stopped walking in a straight line for a long time, I guess I just have to keep walking until I find the right place.

My bare feet feel a strange texture that makes me turn my eyes, that's when I realize that I'm on purple petals that little by little begin to form a path, I know it's the sign I've been waiting for so I follow it.

In the distance I see a door, some artificial lights and music invade my senses but I can't stop walking towards it, when I finally go through it, I realize that I am in a house... a party?, there are red glasses everywhere, but there is no one, I keep walking until I finally find a staircase, I know this place, I know it perfectly, but right now I have a hard time remembering some things, When I finally get out and find myself on a large terrace, fresh air welcomes me, it's night, it's really quiet here, the sound of music has faded and the stars are the brightest I've ever seen...I know this view, every light of our city adorns the landscape in front of me...I've been here before.

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